Exports Utility

Use the Exports utility to export Vantagepoint data to a file. Then use the file to import the Vantagepoint data into other, third-party software.

Videos: See related videos below

This utility is available if you own the Vantagepoint Accounting or PSA module.

To use the utility to its fullest capabilities, you must have a basic understanding of Structured Query Language (SQL).

In the Exports utility in Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports, you can:

  • Create data export definitions that determine the Vantagepoint data to export to a file. You identify the columns (fields) from a specific Vantagepoint application to include in a data export definition and the formatting for the file.
  • Add filter options, a sort order, and calculated fields to data export definitions.
  • Set up data mapping values to replace a column's value from Vantagepoint with another value in the export file, if a third-party application requires a different value.
  • Use a saved data export definition to export Vantagepoint data to a file.
  • Export data to the following file types: CSV, TXT, XML, and JSON.
  • Save a file with exported data to your workstation or network location, or have it automatically saved to an FTP location or sent to other people, as an attachment in an email message.
  • View the contents of past export files and the information about them, such as the name of the user who created the export file, the file type, and the record count in the file.

After you create an export file, you use other software to import the data from the file into the other software.

Role Security

In Roles Security Settings, a system administrator gives a role access to the appropriate export functionality in the Exports utility. For more information, see Role Security for the Exports and Integrations Manager Utilities.

Managing Export Tasks in the Integrations Manager Utility

Use the Integrations Manager utility in Utilities > Integrations > Integrations Manager to manage exports by accounting period. With the utility, you can export Vantagepoint data for an individual data export definition or multiple data export definitions at a time. You can view the status by accounting period for each export task to see whether it was run or not run, or if it failed.

For more information about the Integrations Manager utility, see Integrations Manager Utility.


Title Description

Create a Data Export Definition in the Exports Utility

Learn how to set up a data export definition in the Exports utility, specify the data to be included, define the export file type, and specify the delimiters used in the file.

Formatting, Filtering, and Calculated Fields for Data Export Definitions in the Export Utility

Learn how to set up formatting, mapping, and sorting for field values in a data export definition in the Exports utility, so that the content of the export files that you generate with the definition meets your requirements. This video also shows you how to set up filters in a data export definition so that the export file you generate includes only the data you want. You can also add calculated fields to your definition, either to combine multiple Vantagepoint fields into a single export field, or to derive a single value from multiple Vantagepoint fields.

Preview and Export Data in the Exports Utility

Learn how to preview the contents of an export file before you use the data export definition to generate the file. This allows you to verify that the format of the file meets your expectations before you create the data export file. The video also demonstrates how to send the export file via file transfer protocol (FTP) or email and how to access export data with the Vantagepoint API.

Security for the Integrations Manager and the Exports Utilities

Learn how to set up security roles with the appropriate access to the Integrations Manager and the Exports utility. This includes setting up:
  • Access rights to data export definitions and data packs for creating, modifying, or deleting data export definitions and targets and also access rights for using the definitions to export Vantagepoint data to a file.
  • Administrator rights to export data definitions and data packs.