Role Security for the Exports Utility and Integrations Manager Utility

In Roles Security Settings, a system administrator gives a role access to the appropriate export functionality in the Exports and Integrations Manager utilities.

The Exports utility is located in Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports. For more information, see Exports Utility.

The Integrations Manager utility is located in Utilities > Integrations > Integrations Manager. For more information, see Integrations Manager Utility.

Export Administrator Access

You should have at least one export administrator for the Exports utility and Integrations Manager utility. With export administrator access, a security role can do the following:

  • Create new data export definitions using any of the provided data packs in the Exports utility.
  • Modify and delete any data export definition in the Exports utility.
  • Create, modify, and delete the targets for data export definitions in the Exports utility.
  • Use all the data export definitions to export Vantagepoint data to a file in the Exports utility or the Integrations Manager utility.
  • View the history for past export files created with a data export definition.

For more information, see Give a Security Role Export Administrator Access.

Non-Export Administrator Access

For non-export administrator security roles, you can give access to some or all of the data export definitions and their data packs. This allows the role to export Vantagepoint data to a file using the specified data export definitions. This also gives the role access to view the history for past export files created with the data export definition. You can also specify whether the role can edit the data export definitions that you give them access to.

Giving a non-export administrator role access to a data pack does not give the role the ability to create new data export definitions with the data pack as it does for export administrator roles. A non-export administrator cannot create or delete data export definitions or their targets.

For more information, see: Give a Security Role the Ability to Export Data to a File (Non-Export Administrators).