Delete Supporting Documents in Interactive Billing

In Interactive Billing, you can delete supporting documents if they were uploaded in Interactive Billing.


You can delete supporting documents in Interactive Billing if both of the following apply:

  • Your security role has the Allow Changes to Supporting Documents check box selected in the Billing Security: Interactive Billing and Invoice Approvals section on the Accounting tab in Settings > Security > Roles.
  • The supporting documents were uploaded in Interactive Billing using Select files for upload on the Supporting Document dialog box. You cannot delete supporting documents that were uploaded in an application other than Interactive Billing (in Expense Reports or in Transaction Entry for employee expenses, AP Vouchers, AP Disbursements, units, and units by project).

If you use the Vantagepoint on-premises product, the Supporting Documents feature is available only if you have configured Transaction Document Management. For more information about the configuration, see the Configuring Supporting Documents online help topic.

To delete a supporting document in Interactive Billing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. Complete the information on the Billing Session Options dialog box (if it displays), or click Billing Session Options on the Actions bar of the Interactive Billing form, and complete the information for the session.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, select a project.
  4. Complete one of the following steps:
    • On the Actions bar of the Interactive Billing form, click Other Actions > View Supporting Documents

      The Supporting Document dialog box displays the supporting documents for all the unbilled transaction charges.

    • Click the Expense tab or Units tab, depending on the type of charge that has a supporting document that you want delete, and in the Documentation field for the selected transaction.

      The Supporting Document dialog box displays the supporting documents for the selected transaction.

  5. On the Supporting Document dialog box, hover over the row of the supporting document that you want to delete, click icon at the end of the row, and select Delete Supporting Document.
    The document is immediately deleted.