Actions for Advanced Searches

Use the actions for advanced searches to specify and manage search information.

Commonly Used Actions

Click the buttons on the Actions bar to access commonly performed actions. In addition to the three standard buttons used for both simple and advanced searches, you can also use advanced settings buttons that allow you to group, ungroup, and view search conditions as plain text.

Field Description
Add a Field Click this option to add a field to the search criteria grid. When you use the Advanced Settings feature, you can search by all available grid fields (such as, standard and user-defined grid fields) that are associated with the hub or application, based upon your field level security.
Group Fields Click the check box next to each search condition (row) that you want to include in the group and then click Group Fields to create a group of all of the selected fields.

When a group is created, Vantagepoint displays a visual indicator to show that conditions are grouped. You can nest groupings so there are groups contained within another group. The groups use different colors for nested conditions, with a maximum of 6. The Group Fields action is disabled unless you have at least two conditions selected.

Ungroup Fields When fields are grouped together, you can click this button to remove the grouping of the fields. This button is enabled only when the grouped field check boxes are selected.

Alternatively, when you hover over the green bracket, it turns red and a black displays at the top of the bracket and you can ungroup all of the fields that you selected.

Save Options Click this option to display the Save Options dialog box so that you can enter a name for the search, determine which users may access the saved search, and specify a directory in which the search will be stored.

Other Actions

When the Advanced Settings option is selected, the following actions become available:

Field Description
View as Plain Text Select this option to display the search in a plain text, readable format. Instead of the results grid, a text box displays that contains a color-coded, indented version of the current search. You can see the entire search and how nested levels of the search (based on parentheses) relate to each other. This check box is automatically cleared the next time that you click Search.

To switch back to the standard display, click Exit Plain Text. The search dialog box displays the standard grid.

Clear Search Select this option to clear the search criteria and start over.