Options Tab of the Credit Cards Settings Form

Use this tab to enter and view basic information for primary and secondary credit cards.


Field Description
Credit card search

Use the Searches drop-down list to find and select the an existing primary credit card to view or edit.

To refine the results set, click Searches to select a standard (Active,All) , legacy, personal (My Searches) or shared search type:
  • Click Active to select from a list of active primary credit cards.
  • Click All to select from a list of all primary credit cards to which you have access.
  • Click Legacy Searches: to display a list of absence accruals based on a search from previous versions of the application or from legacy systems. Although you cannot modify a legacy search, you can build a new search based on a legacy search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. Click Delete and Start Over to build a new search based on the legacy search.
  • Click My Searches : to display a list of absence accruals based on your personal search. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update your personal search for future use.
  • Click Shared Searches to display a list of absence accruals based on a search shared with other team members and roles. Click the icon to display the Edit Search dialog box. You can then update the shared search for future use.
  • Click + New Search to create a new search for absence accrual records. Use both basic and advanced search features on the New Search dialog box to refine search criteria.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.

x of x Use these arrow icons to scroll through the records in the search results and display a different record to display on the form. The numbers indicate which record you are viewing out of the total number of records in the search results.
+ New Credit Card Click this option to create a new primary credit card record.
Edit Click this button to open all fields in the form for editing.
Other Actions Choose an option from the drop-down list:
  • Copy: Select this option to copy the details of the currently displayed primary credit card record.
  • Print: Select this option to print the details of the currently displayed primary credit card record.
  • Export All: This option displays if you are in list view. Select this option to export records to a .CSV file format. You have the option of selecting all records (the default) to a .CSV file. This function is disabled if you are in detail view.
  • Export Selected Rows: This option displays if you are in list view and you select one or more records in the grid. Select this option to export the selected records to a .CSV file format. This function is disabled if you are in detail view.
  • Delete: Select this option to delete the currently displayed primary credit card record.

    You can delete only the credit cards that do not have any transactions applied to them. If transactions are associated with a primary credit card that you want to delete, change the status of the primary credit card to Dormant.

Primary Code This field is enabled only when you create a new primary credit card record. Enter a code to identify this primary credit card. After you save the setup information for a new credit card, this field becomes a display-only field. To change the primary code, you must set up a new credit card and change the status of the existing credit card to Dormant. You could also delete the existing credit card if it has not yet been associated with any transactions in Vantagepoint.

When you import credit card transactions from your credit card company into Vantagepoint, the import is based on the primary credit card, which is comprised of transactions that are associated with each secondary credit card that is set up for a primary credit card. Within Vantagepoint, the transactions for the secondary credit cards are filtered and made available on expense reports for the appropriate employees who are associated with the secondary credit cards. In Credit Card Reconciliation, you reconcile statements based on the primary credit card.

If you use multiple companies, the primary code must be unique across different companies.

Currency This field applies if you use multiple currencies. From the drop-down list, select the currency for the credit card. This is the currency in which you pay the credit card company. The credit card reconciliation will be in the currency of the credit card.

If the credit card is employee-paid, the credit currency is based on the currency of the imported transaction. The payment currency, however, is based on the functional currency of the employee's home company.

Payment Type Select one of the following settings:
  • Employee Paid: Select this option when the company-issued primary credit card is paid by the employee. When selected, all credit card charges associated on an expense report for this credit card will not be company paid. They will instead flow through to Employee Payment Processing for the employee to be reimbursed. If there are unposted expense reports associated with the credit card, you cannot change it from Company Paid to Employee Paid (or vice versa).
  • Company Paid: Select this option when the primary credit card is paid by the company. When selected, all credit card charges associated on an expense report for this credit card will be company paid.
Status From the drop-down list, select the status of the primary credit card.
Options are:
  • Active: Select this option if you want the credit card to be available for employees to use in Vantagepoint.
  • Dormant: Select this option if you no longer want employees to use the credit card. The card will not display in any drop-down lists in entry fields and cannot be used for new transactions.

Import Credit Card Charges section

Field Description
Enable Credit Card Import Set this option to Yes if you are importing credit card charges. This also enables the Import tab, for the current primary credit card record.
Separate Import Into Secondary Credit Card By From the drop-down list, select the field to use in import files that your credit card company uses on statements to identify a secondary credit card account. This field must be included in the import (text) file that contains the credit card statement charges to import into Vantagepoint. In the import file, this field identifies the secondary credit card that is associated with a charge.

Options in the list are Cardholder Name, Secondary Account Number, and any user-defined fields that you set up on the Import tab.

You can use CardholderName if your bank masks the account number in exported files.

Other fields that are related to this field:
  • Import Value field in the Secondary Credit Card grid on this tab: In this field you enter the value for the field that you selected in this field. This value identifies each secondary credit card for a credit card.
  • Include check box in the Import Details grid on the Import tab: You must select the Include check box for the field that you select in the Separate Import Into Secondary Credit Card By field so that the field is included in the statement information that you import from your credit card company.


If you select Cardholder Name in the Separate Import Into Secondary Credit Card By field, you enter the name of the secondary card holder (for example, William Apple) in the Import Value field in the grid on the Options tab. You must enter the name exactly as it will appear in the file downloaded from your credit card company. You select the Include check box for the Cardholder Name field on the Import tab. When the credit card charges are imported from the bank using the import utility in Credit Card Reconciliation, each record that has William Apple in the Cardholder Name field will be associated with the secondary credit card that defined William Apple as the import value.

If you select Secondary Account Number in this field, you enter the secondary account number for the secondary credit card in the Import Value field in the grid on the Options tab. You select the Include check box for the Secondary Account Number field on the Import tab. The account number should be entered exactly as it will appear in the text file downloaded from your credit card company so Vantagepoint can match to the appropriate secondary credit card.

Map to Expense Report Description From the drop-down list, select the field that was imported from the credit card statement and will be displayed and posted in the expense report. Options in the list are Merchant Description, and any user-defined field that you set up on the Import tab on the Credit Cards form.

Secondary Credit Card Grid

Use this grid to enter the secondary credit cards that are associated with the primary credit card. You associate the secondary credit cards with the employees who are authorized to use them. You must enter at least one secondary credit card for each primary credit card.

After you import primary credit card statement information into Vantagepoint from your credit card company, the secondary credit card transactions display on the Expense Report form. Employees can select the appropriate credit card transaction to add to their expense report. Only the credit card transactions that are applied to the secondary account that an employee is authorized to use displays on the Expense Report form for an employee.

Field Description
Code Enter a code to identify this secondary credit card. You must enter a unique code for each secondary credit card that you enter for a primary credit card.
Description Enter a description for the secondary credit card.
Status From the drop-down list, select a status for the secondary credit card.
Options are:
  • Active: Select this option if you want the secondary credit card to be available for employees to use in Vantagepoint.
  • Dormant: Select this option if you no longer want employees to use the secondary credit card. The card will not display in any drop-down lists in entry fields and cannot be used for new transactions. For example, you would change the status to dormant when an employee no longer works at your company.
Company Paid Credit Account Enter or select a general ledger credit account for the secondary credit card. This account is commonly a liability or an indirect expense account.
You could enter a liability account in this field when one of the following applies:
  • As soon as an expense is entered, you consider it to be a liability to the credit card company.
  • You use multiple currencies and employees have a secondary credit card in a currency other than their employee's functional currency. Entering a liability account for the secondary credit card will allow you to define the account as foreign-denominated so that Vantagepoint can revalue the balance in the account as part of the gain and loss processing.

You could enter an indirect expense account in this field if you consider the expense report postings as a net zero impact on the income statement and you do not expense the expense report transactions until the credit card statement is entered as a voucher.

The company paid credit account is used in the following ways:
  • For Expense Reports: The company paid credit account is used in the expense report posting when a record is defined as company paid, and it has a credit card associated with it. Typically, the expense report debits the project expense that is defined on the expense report. For company paid items that specify a credit card, the company paid account is credited. For any record that is associated with a credit card, the company paid account will override the default company paid account that is defined on the Options tab and the company paid account defined in Settings > Expense > Expense Categories.
  • For AP Disbursements: The company paid credit account is used in an AP Disbursement transaction when the payment method is defined as Credit Card. Typically, the AP disbursement debits the expense defined in the AP disbursement, and it credits the company paid credit account when the payment method is Credit Card. When you enter a transaction to pay the credit card company (for example, through an AP Voucher), you must specify the company paid account that is defined in the secondary credit card. The only entries to this account would be the expense report postings, AP disbursement postings, and the payment to the credit card company
Project Enter the project for the company paid credit account. If the company paid credit account for the secondary credit card is an overhead account, the project defines the organization. If the company paid credit account for the credit card is a balance sheet account, the project defines the organization if you have separate balance sheets or have multiple companies.
Phase Enter the phase for the company paid credit account.
Task Enter the task for the company paid credit account.
Available to AP Select this check box if you want this secondary credit card to be available for data entry in AP Disbursements in the Transaction Center. When this check box is not selected, the credit card will be available only for Expense Report transactions.
Expense Report User Click Add Users in this field to open the Team Members Assigned to Credit Card dialog box. On this dialog box, select one or more employees who are authorized to use this secondary credit card to pay for company expenses. Entering a team member in this field allows the employee to select the credit card transactions that they paid with the secondary credit card when they enter expense reports. These transactions are loaded into Expense when you import credit card statement information from your credit card company into Vantagepoint in the Credit Card Reconciliation application.

One scenario in which you would enter multiple employees for one secondary credit card is when an employee who pays for company expenses with a company-issued credit card has an administrative assistant or other staff members enter expense report in Vantagepoint for them.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you can select an employee from any of the companies in this field, even if the company to which the employee belongs does not have the Credit Card feature enabled.

After you select employees in the Employee Assigned to Credit Card dialog box, the Expense Report Users field displays the name of the one employee you selected, or it displays <records selected> if you selected multiple employees.

Import Value Based on what you select in the Separate Import Into Secondary Credit Card By field on this tab, enter the value to use to identify the transactions for this secondary credit card when you import the transactions for a primary credit card into Vantagepoint (in Cash Management > Credit Card Reconciliation).
  • If you selected Cardholder Name in the Use to Separate Import into Secondary Credit Cards field, enter the name of the employee who is authorized to use this secondary credit card.
  • If you selected Secondary Account Number in the Use to Separate Import into Secondary Credit Cards field, enter the secondary credit card code in this field.

When you import charges from a credit card statement into Vantagepoint, you are importing the charges from all the secondary credit cards that make up a primary credit card. The value that you enter in the Import Value field must exactly match the value in the credit card file that is being imported into Vantagepoint.

+ Add Secondary Credit Card Click this option to add a new secondary credit card entry to the grid.