Tax Code Mapping Tab of the QuickBooks Form

If you use taxes to process billing invoices, accounts payable vouchers, or both, use this tab to review and map the tax codes that are shared between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online.

When you map tax codes, the same tax codes in QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint are linked together so that one set of tax codes is used by both QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint for billing invoices and AP vouchers.

You must map all tax codes that will be used for billing invoice transactions between QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint.

WARNING: If you create transactions using tax codes that are not mapped, the transaction will not updated in the other product when the updating occurs between the two products. For more information, see Failed Transactions Due to Missing Account or Tax Code Mapping.


Tax Code Grid

This grid shows you the QuickBooks Online tax code in the QuickBooks Online Reference field that is mapped to a Vantagepoint tax code in the Tax Code field.

When you copy records from QuickBooks Online to Vantagepoint for the first time using the Initialize Vantagepoint button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility, all QuickBooks Online tax codes are added to Vantagepoint in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes and in the tax codes grid on this tab. The tax codes are automatically mapped between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online.

After the initial automatic mapping of tax codes, you add new tax codes in QuickBooks Online, and they are added to Vantagepoint and mapped automatically the next time the updating occurs between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online.

For information on how to filter the contents of the grid, see Filter the Grid Results.

Field Description
Tax Code This field displays the ID for a Vantagepoint tax code. All the tax codes in Vantagepoint Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes display in this grid.

To map a QuickBooks Online tax code to this Vantagepoint tax code or change the mapping, click anywhere in the row for the tax code, and in the QuickBooks Online Reference field, click and select a QuickBooks Online tax code.

Description This field displays the description for the Vantagepoint tax code (from Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes).
Rate This field displays the rate for the Vantagepoint tax code (from Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes).
QuickBooks Online Reference This field displays the name of the tax code from QuickBooks Online that is mapped to the Vantagepoint tax code in the Tax Code field in the row.

This field prefills with a QuickBooks Online tax code when you copy records from QuickBooks Online to Vantagepoint for the first time using the Initialize Vantagepoint button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility.

To manually map a QuickBooks Online tax code to a Vantagepoint tax code or change the mapped tax code, click anywhere in the row for the Vantagepoint tax code. Then click in the QuickBooks Online Reference field, and select a QuickBooks Online tax code.