Set Up Cash Management Options

Set up the options for Cash Management, including enabling the use of credit cards, the Tax Auditing feature, and tax code and tax region defaults.

To set up the Cash Management options:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Cash Management > Options.
  2. To use the credit card feature, set Enable use of Credit Cards to Yes.
  3. To use the Tax Auditing feature, select Yes for Enable Tax Auditing.
    This feature lets you enter certain input taxes and report on taxes from billing invoices and purchase orders.
    The corresponding Tax Country Code field prefills with the tax country code that is entered in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes. You can specify a different country code.
  4. In the Tax Registration Number field, specify the firm's tax registration number, which is assigned by each country and used for tax reporting.
  5. Use the Default Tax Codes grid to enter the default tax codes that are used to calculate taxes automatically for:
    • Accounts payable vouchers, accounts payable disbursements, cash disbursements, and employee expenses that you specify in transaction entry.
    • Expense reports that you enter in the Expense application.
  6. Use the Tax Regions grid to set up tax regions that will be available for selection in the Tax Code drop-down list in AP voucher entry, AP disbursement entry, and invoice billing terms.
    This will include only the tax codes that are appropriate for the vendor or client's specific address that you enter for the transaction or billing terms.
  7. Set Enable Originating Vendor for Employee Expenses and AP Vouchers to Yes if you want to be able to associate an originating vendor with the line items that you enter for employee expense reports, accounts payable vouchers, and accounts payable disbursements, in addition to the actual employee or vendor who is getting paid.
    If you do not select this option, you can only track the employee or vendor who will receive payment.
  8. Set Require Tax Codes to be used in AP Transactions to Yes to require that users enter at least one tax code for each line item in AP vouchers and AP disbursements that they enter in the Transaction Center.
  9. Click Save.