Contents of the Posted Transaction Form

Use the form to print transaction lists or to recreate a transaction file.

Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Recreate Click this option to recreate the selected transaction file so that it is again available in the Transaction Center. When you recreate a file, you choose to either undo the posting and recreate the file or make a copy of the posted file and not undo the original file posting.
Print Report Click this option to print a list of the transactions in the file.


Field Description
Type This field displays the transaction type.
File This field displays the name of the transaction file.
Posting Date This is the date when the transaction file was posted.
User Name This is the name of the employee who posted the transaction file, unless the selected user ID is not mapped to an employee, in which case only the user ID displays.
Period This is the period when the transaction file was created.
Posting Owner This is the company code for the company that owns the posting log.
Posting Sequence This is the unique number assigned to the transaction during posting. This number is period-specific and restarts when you open a new period.