Payments Tab

Use this tab to specify how Vantagepoint processes and formats accounts payable vouchers.

These settings apply when you pay vouchers in Cash Management > Vendor Payments.

Global Payments Section

This setting in this section applies for all the companies in your enterprise if you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint.

Field Description
Payment Payee Select the individual who is responsible for the payment.

Specific Company Section

The settings in this section apply to the specific company that you have open if you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint. Use the fields in this section to determine the layout, formatting, and contents for paying AP vouchers.

Field Description
Printed Payment Format Select the country with a check format that most closely matches the accounts payable format that you use. The country that you choose here and the template that you choose in the Template field determine how your accounts payable checks print.

The settings that you enter in the Printed Payment Format and Template fields must be suited to the check stock that you use.

The options in the Printed Payment Format field are:

  • United States
  • United Kingdom: This format is designed for use with A4-sized paper.
  • Canada: When you select this format, you can use the Payment Face Date field and the Print Date Format Indicator on Payment Face setting on this tab to choose the payment date format and determine whether or not the date format indicator prints on the check face.
Currency Click in this field to open the Format Currency dialog box, and enter currency format information to apply to the check face and stub. This formatting applies to any selected check format and template, including custom templates.
Payment Face Date Click in this field to open the Format Date/Time dialog box, and enter date format information for the date that prints on the check face.

This formatting applies to any selected check format and template, including custom templates.

Check stub date format:

  • For the Deltek two-part and Deltek three-part check templates, the date on the check stub uses the Short Date format specified in your computer's Regional and Language settings.
  • For the Deltek check on bottom check template, the settings that you enter in the Payment Face Date field apply to the date on the check stub.

Voucher details date format:

The date for voucher details on the check stub uses the Short Date format that is currently specified in your computer's Regional and Language settings.

Template Select the template to use for your accounts payable payments:
  • Deltek two-part: The check face prints on the top third, and the stub prints on the bottom two thirds of the check stock.
  • Deltek three-part: The check face prints on the top third, and two complete (duplicate) stubs print on the bottom two thirds of the check stock.
  • Deltek check on bottom: The check face prints on the bottom third, and the stub prints on the top two thirds of the check stock. This option displays only if you select United Kingdom in the Format field on this tab. This template is formatted to fit A4-sized paper.
  • <Custom template>: If you create custom templates for accounts payable payments, they are included in this drop-down list with their actual file names.

For all of the templates:

  • The payment date prints on each check stub.
  • The vendor's address prints on the check stub based on the address format that is selected for the vendor's country in the Country code table in Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists.
  • The payee (vendor) address includes the country if the vendor's country is different than your company's country.
  • User-defined field tables are available so that you can easily add them if you customize the payment templates with Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
Vouchers on Stub Enter the number of paid vouchers to print on the check stub. The check stub provides a list of paid items.
  • If you selected the Deltek two-part or Deltek check on bottom template, the maximum number is 30.
  • If you selected the Deltek three-part template, the maximum number is15.

If a payment contains more than the number of vouchers allowed for a stub, multiple checks that add up to the full payment amount are generated. The first check is printed for the first 30 or 15 vouchers. Additional checks are printed for each additional set of 30 or 15 vouchers.

If you prefer to have one check print when a payment contains more than the number of vouchers allowed for a stub, select the If more than # vouchers in the Remittance Advice field.

Default Payment Terms

Select the default payment terms to prefill in the Payment Terms field in the Default Voucher Information section on the Vendor tab in Hubs > Firms > Firms when you create a new firm that is a Vendor firm type. The default payment terms also prefill when you enter a voucher in Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > AP Vouchers. In the Firms hub and in Transaction Entry, you can change the prefilled payment terms as needed. The payment terms indicate the number of days from the invoice date after which the voucher is expected to be paid.

The options are:

  • Enter the number of days in which vouchers are typically paid after the invoice date. The vouchers are included in the payment run on or after the number of days specified. This number must be between 0 and 1,000 days. For example, to pay a voucher after 30 days, enter 30 in the Number of Days field. For a voucher with the invoice date 06/30/2020, the payment date is 07/30/2020, which is 30 days after the invoice date.
  • Next: Select this option to schedule all vouchers with a payment date of Next. Vouchers are included in the next payment run. For example, if you enter a voucher on 6/30/2020 and the next automatic Vendor Payment run is performed on 7/15/2020, the voucher is included in the run.
  • Hold: Select this option if you do not want a payment date assigned to vouchers. The vouchers are on hold until you manually switch the payment terms from Hold to one of the other three options.
  • PWP: Select this option for all vouchers to be scheduled with a payment date of PWP (pay when paid). The vouchers are in the payment run immediately following payment in full to your firm of the invoice that included the voucher.
Print Date Format Indicator on Payment Face This setting applies to Canadian checks and displays when you select Canada in the Printed Payment Format field.

Select Yes if your check stock does not have the required date format indicator preprinted on the check stock. Vantagepoint prints the format indicator on the check face according to the settings that you enter in the Date order and Display four digit year fields on the Format Date/Time dialog box, which you display by clicking the payment face date on this tab.

Remittance Advice A remittance advice prints a list of paid vouchers for each vendor payment in a vendor payment run.

Select one of the following remittance advice options:

  • Never Print: Vantagepoint never prints a remittance advice, and voucher information is always printed on the check stub.
  • Always Print: Vantagepoint always prints a remittance advice for your vendors, and voucher information is not printed on the check stub. "See Remittance Advice" is printed on the check stub.
  • If more than # vouchers: This option displays with the number of vouchers that you entered in the Vouchers on Stub field. For example, if you entered 30 in the Vouchers on Stub field, this option is labeled If more than 30 vouchers.
    Select this option if you want the following to happen when one payment includes more vouchers than the number of vouchers that you entered in the Vouchers on Stubs field:
    • One check is generated for the total amount of all vouchers.
    • "See Remittance Advice" is printed on the check stub. The stub does not list paid vouchers.
    • The remittance advice lists all the paid vouchers.

    When you select the If more than # vouchers option, if the number of vouchers for a payment is less than the number that you entered in the Vouchers on Stubs field, Vantagepoint prints all voucher information on the check stub.

  • Click X to clear your entry.