Preparing Batch Billing to Process Invoices

When you process draft or final invoices in Batch Billing, you prepare the batch by selecting options on the Invoice Creation tab in Batch Billing.

On the Invoice Creation tab of the Batch Billing form, complete the following information for a batch of invoices:
  • Enter the date and period for the invoices.
  • Specify whether the batch is for draft or final invoices or for submitting draft invoices for approval, if you use approvals.
  • Specify how to distribute the invoices (print or email).
  • Choose whether or not to include supporting documents and other reports with the invoices.
  • Select the projects with invoices that you want to include in the batch.
  • Specify whether to include only projects that require (or do not require) approval, if you use approvals.
  • Enter settings to override billing terms for invoices.
  • Specify how to sort the invoices in the batch.
  • Click Other Actions > Update Fees to update fees, if necessary.

After you enter these settings for the batch, click Create Invoices on the Actions bar on the Batch Billing form to process the batch and generate the invoices.

The topics in this section cover how to process draft and final invoices in Batch Billing. For topics on submitting invoices for approval in Batch Billing, see Invoice Approvals and Batch Billing in the Approving Invoices section of the Billing help.