Contents of the Expense Report Custom Search Dialog Box

Use the Expense Report Custom Search dialog box to save a search for yourself or for yourself and others.

Field Description
Search Name Enter a name for the custom search.
+ Save Options Click + and select one or more security roles that can access this search. Depending on your security rights, you can save the search for everyone (all security roles), for your role, or for specific security roles:
  • If you do not have the appropriate security rights to save searches for others, you can only save searches for yourself, which are listed in the My Searches list.
  • If you do have the appropriate security rights, the names of the searches that you make available to others are listed in the Shared Searches list.

For more information, see the Personal and Shared Searches online help topic.

Expense Report Name Select the names of one or more expense reports to include in the search.
Report Status Select the expense report status to include in the search. This indicates where the expense report is in the processing workflow. See the Expense Report Status help topic for detailed explanations of each status.
Expense Report Group Select the expense report group to include in the search. An expense report group is specified for an employee in the Expense Group field on the Time & Expense tab in the Employees hub.
Employee Select the name of the employee(s) to include in the search. This list includes all employees that are associated with the expense report.
Employee Status Select the status of the employee to include in the search:
  • Active: You can use this employee in any transactions that require an employee number.
  • Inactive: When you use this employee for transactions that require an employee number, you receive a warning message to let you know that this employee is inactive. However, you are still allowed to enter the transaction.
  • Terminated: You cannot use this employee for transactions that require an employee number. You can still print reports and W-2 forms for the employee.

You can change the employee's status on the Summary pane in the Employees hub.