Send an Email Message

When you enter an email message, you can include records, reports, links to data, and other details.

To send an email message:

  1. Access the Email dialog box.
  2. In the Recipient Options section, useSelect Attendees From to refine the list of recipients who will receive the email message or notification.
    Available settings depend on the application in which you are working and how your system is configured. For example, if you select Role, the list populates with all available security roles and all users in the role that you select will receive the email message.

    After you make a selection, you can specify additional options to create a mixture of recipients. For example, after you specify a security role, you can also select contacts; both members of the selected security role and the contacts you specify receive the email message or notification.

  3. Use the Email Recipient grid to select the recipients for the email message.
    The options that display in this list are based on the selection you made in step 2. For example, if you set Select Attendees From to Project Roles, the list includes all security roles that are designated as Project Roles. When you then select a specify role, such as Project Manager, Supervisor, or Primary Contact, the individuals that are included in that role receive the email message.

    The +TO, +CC, or +BCC fields display the recipients of the email based on entries from steps two and three.

    You can also manually enter an email address for one or more individuals. To send to more than one person, enter all addresses and separate them by either commas, semicolons, or by pressing the spacebar on your keyboard.

  4. In Subject, enter the subject for the email or notification.
    If you are sending a report, the subject is autopopulated with the name of the report. You can edit this field.
  5. In Message, enter the text for the message that will be sent when the email or notification is triggered.
    You can add text or field codes that act as placeholders for data. Click in the upper right of the memo field to enable the Text Editor.
    • Regular Text: You can enter text directly in this field and use the Text Editor to format it.
    • Field Codes: Click Insert Field to open the Insert Field dialog box and then select fields to insert from a list of all fields in the selected application. For each field, Vantagepoint inserts a code as a placeholder and when the email or notification is sent, the field codes are replaced with data from that field for that record.
  6. If you are attaching a file to the email, use File Type to select the type.
    The allowed file types are: Adobe PDF, Rich Text Format (RTF), Microsoft Word Document, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet, Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), Comma-separated Values File (CSV), XML, HTML, and HTML with link to report archive.
  7. If the file type includes a link, the Archive Hours field displays and you can enter a number of 0 or greater.
    This is a number field with no decimals. You must schedule a report in order to archive it from this dialog box. You set the thousands separator on the My Preferences dialog box.
  8. If you are sending an email message from Reporting, you can click Preview File to generate and preview the report before you send it.
  9. On the Email dialog box, click Send.