Transfer Transaction Detail Between Projects

In Interactive Billing, you can transfer labor, expense, or unit transaction detail from one project to another.

To transfer transaction detail between projects:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. On the Billing Session Options dialog box, select the options for this session and click OK.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, open the project from which to transfer transactions.
  4. Click the Labor, Expenses or Units tab, depending on the type of transaction that you want to transfer.
    Labor, expense, or unit transactions posted to this project, phase, or task display in the grid on the tab, based on your entries in the Billing Session Options dialog box.
    • If you are transferring labor to another project, be aware that the transfer will not remove the employee whose hours were charged to the original project from the Team tab of the Projects form in the Projects hub. If this employee is not a member of the originating project's team, after the transfer you must manually remove the employee from that project's team on the Team tab.
    • Any supporting documents associated with the transaction are also transferred. If only a partial transfer occurs, the associated supporting documents are available to both transactions.
  5. In the grid on the tab, select the row for the transaction that you want to transfer.
    You can select multiple transactions, but each transaction will be transferred in its entirety when doing so. To perform a partial transfer you must select a single transaction.

    Depending on whether or not you selected the Default to project view on detail tabs check box on the Billing Session Options dialog box (in step 2), the detail grid may display all transactions including those at different WBS levels. You can select any combination of transactions and transfer them to any project, phase, or task for which you have access. However, if the selected transactions have different labor codes, you cannot transfer to another labor code. The labor code option on the transfer dialog box will not be enabled.

  6. On the grid's actions bar, click Transfer.
  7. On the Billing Labor, Expense, or Unit Transfer dialog box, be sure that Within current [WBS Level] check box is not selected if you are transferring labor or expense transaction detail.
  8. Enter the destination (target) for the labor, expense, or unit transfer in the Project, Phase and Task fields, as appropriate.
  9. Complete the remaining information on the dialog box.
    These fields prefill with the entries that were originally made for the transaction that you are transferring.
    • To transfer the complete transaction, leave each prefilled entry as is.
    • To transfer an amount portion of the transaction (such as labor hours, expense amount, or unit quantities), enter the amount to transfer in the prefilled field.
    • For labor transfers, you can transfer the transaction to a different labor code or category by selecting a different labor code or category in those fields.
  10. If you are transferring labor and the Enable Billing Transfer Audit option is set to Yes in Settings > Time > Timesheet Audit, you must select a reason for the transfer in the Reason for Transfer field on the Billing Labor Transfer dialog box.
  11. Click Transfer on the Transfer dialog box.
    You are returned to the tab on the Interactive Billing form.
After you transfer detail between projects in Interactive Billing:
  • The transfer amount is removed from the source project and added to the destination (target) project, and the transaction grid on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs in Interactive Billing is updated accordingly.
  • The transactions are posted to the appropriate projects and the general ledger. Postings are logged to unique posting sequence numbers for each type of transfer (labor, expense, unit) performed during the session. These postings display on the Posting logs and on the Posting Review report in the Transaction Center.
    • If you use Labor Billing Transfer Audit alerts, the affected employees (or their supervisor/administrator) receive an alert through the Notification Center when a line item on a timesheet has hours that are transferred from one project, phase, task, or labor code to another. An employee can complete the transfer acknowledgment using Actions > Acknowledge Transfers on their timesheet form.