Void an Invoice and Update the General Ledger

When you void an invoice, you can choose whether or not to update the general ledger. If you want to update your general ledger for the void, post the transaction file that Vantagepoint creates when you void the invoice.

When you void an invoice that has any credit memos generated against it, you must also void the credit memos. Credit memos are not automatically voided when you void the original invoice.

To void an invoice that was processed through Interactive Billing and update the general ledger:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. If you use diaries, complete the settings on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
    If you do not use diaries, complete settings on the Billing Session Options dialog box by clicking Billing Session Options on the actions bar of the Interactive Billing form.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, open the appropriate project.
  4. Click the Invoice History tab.
  5. In the invoices grid, select the invoice to void, and click Void on the grid's actions bar.
    If this is the first transaction that you are creating in this Interactive Billing session, Vantagepoint prompts you to select or create an invoice file in which to include the voided invoice amounts.
  6. Complete the information on the dialog box and click OK.
  7. On the dialog box that informs you that this will reverse the invoice and return its transactions to unbilled status and asks you if you want to continue, click Void.
    Vantagepoint creates a reversal invoice transaction entry for each entry originally made when the invoice was processed, and all transactions that were associated with the invoice are returned to billable status. In other words, all transactions are returned to their appropriate tab (Labor, Expense, or Unit). You can then write off the transactions, place the transactions on hold, delete the transactions (tag them as "deleted" to be removed from billing session), or include them on the next invoice. You can view and/or modify the transaction file through invoice transaction entry prior to posting.
  8. Click Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices on the Navigation menu.
  9. On the Invoices form, select the invoice file that you created for the voided invoice, and click Post on the grid actions bar.
    This step updates your general ledger balances. General Ledger reports and Accounts Receivable reports will reflect the voided amounts.