Access to Resource Planning

In most cases, the settings that you select for a security role on the Roles form control the access to the Resource Planning module for users assigned that security role.

Access to Menu Options

Use the menu access options on the General tab of the Roles form to select the Navigation pane options that are available to a role.
  • Resource management: Select this option in the menu option structure to grant access to all resource management applications (Resource View, Project View, and so on), or expand Resource Management to grant access to some but not all of those applications.
  • Project planning: Select Hubs > Projects to grant access to the Projects hub.

Access to Project Planning Tabs

Use the Access Rights tab of the Roles form to select the project planning tabs that are available to a role in the Projects hub.

Set the Functional Area option to Application Tabs and select the tabs that you want the role to have access to when working with project plans. If no tabs are selected, the Plan form in the Projects hub is not available to users in that security role.

Access to Types of Records

Use the Application Record Access grid on the Record Access tab of the Roles form to specify the types of records the role can access and what level of access (Full, Read Only, and so on) the role has to each type of record.

A role must have access to the Projects hub in order to have access to project plans. However, you can grant more access to plans than you do to other project information. For example, you could give a role Read Only access to projects but give Full access to project plans.

Record type Hub Name column Access column Record Level View column Record Level Update column
Employee resource assignments Employee Assignment Indicate whether or not the role can add employee resource assignments. Restrict the employees for whom the role can view assignments. Restrict the employees for whom the role can update assignments.
Generic resource assignments Generic Assignment Indicate whether or not the role can add generic resource assignments. Restrict the generic resources for which the role can update assignments. Restrict the generic resources for which the role can update assignments.
Project plans Project Plans Indicate the level of access the role has to project plans (Full, Add/Modify, and so on). (This setting is only available if you gave the role access to at least one of the following on the General tab of the Roles form: Projects hub, Resource View, or Project View.) Restrict the projects for which the role can view plans. Restrict the projects for which the role can update plans.

Access to Resource Management Reports

When you specify the employee resource assignments and generic resource assignments that a role can view in Resource View, as described above, that also determines the resource assignments that the role can view on Resources reports in Resource Management.

When you specify the projects for which a role can view plan information in the Projects hub and in Project View, that also determines the project plans that the role can view on Projects reports in Resource Management.

Access to Planning Reports

Use the Access Rights tab of the Roles form to select the planning reports that are available to a role in Reporting.

Set the Functional Area option to Reports, set theReport Type option to Resource Planning, and select the planning reports that you want the role to have access to.

Access to Resource Planning Settings

Use the menu access options on the General tab of the Roles form to select the Settings menu options that are available to a role. Expand Settings in the menu option structure, and select Resource Planning to grant access to all resource planning settings applications, or expand Resource Planning to grant access to some but not all of those applications.

A user who has access to a settings application has full access. For example, you cannot allow them to view the settings but prevent them from changing them.

Other Access Options

The following settings on the Roles form also apply to Resource Planning users:

On the Accounting tab:
  • Labor Cost Rates/Amounts: This option controls the extent to which users can view cost rates and amounts in project plans.
On the Planning tab:
  • Allow Changes to Baseline: Allow users to save revised baseline versions. Does not apply to saving the original baseline for a plan, only to replacing the original version with an updated one.
  • Allow Changes to Budget Type: Allow users to select a different budget type (Cost, Billing, or Cost and Billing) in the Plan Settings dialog box.
  • Allow Changes to Rate/Method Tables: Allow users to change the rate calculation methods and rate tables that are used to calculate planned amounts.
  • Allow Changes to Overhead %: Allow users to change the percentage of overhead to be applied to the planned labor cost.
  • Allow Changes to Hard Book Planned Hours: Allow users to mark resource assignments as hard booked. This option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use soft and hard booking for assignments.

Additional Notes

  • If a user's security role does not give them access to a project, the user cannot view that project's plan in the Projects hub or in Project View. However, if that user does have access in Resource View to employees and generic resources that are assigned to that project, then they can view those assignments in Resource View. Without update access to the project, however, they cannot use Resource View to make changes to those assignments or to add new assignments for that project.
  • If you grant record-level access to projects based on data for a lower level of the work breakdown structure (WBS), users with that role have access to all levels of the project plans. For example, if record-level access gives access to projects for which the user is the project manager at the phase level, users with access to project plans have access to all levels of the plans for the selected projects, not just to the parts of the plans for their phase.