Search Report Records

On the Favorites tab or Reports tab in the Reporting application, you can search for a specific record, or set of records, from which report data is drawn. You can then reuse these records, modify the set, or select a new set of records for the report.

Before running a report, click a report row in the Reports grid on either the Favorites tab or the Reports tab to display the Records or Saved Searches list.

The label that displays for the Records or Saved Searches list is determined by the type of quick search that you select as the default for reports. Use the Reporting Quick Search field on the Reporting tab in My Preferences to specify the default search.

Select from either a saved standard or legacy search (if available), or use the Search option to create a new search and select the records that you want to include on the report.

Reports that are based on a legacy search are non-editable and appear in the Reports grid with an asterisk. In addition, the Records or Saved Searches list is disabled.