Checklist: Setting Up the Expense Report Application

Review this checklist for an overview of the steps that you must complete before employees can process expense reports in My Stuff.

If you have multiple companies, you must define company-specific processing options for each company in your enterprise.

Expense Report Settings

Step Description Location
1 Determine the items that display on an expense report and the items that employees must enter on their expense reports Settings > Expense > Options
2 Set up expense groups and assign employees to them. Settings > Expense > Expense Groups
3 Assign expense categories to expense groups. Settings > Expense > Expense Categories
4 Enter settings for expense report payments. Settings > Expense > Payments
5 Enable and set up expense report approvals. Settings > Expense > Expense Approvals
6 Define employee access rights for expense report processing. Time & Expense tab in the Employees hub
7 Enter settings that affect expenses applied to a project. Time & Expense tab in the Projects hub
8 If you enabled the tax auditing feature in Settings > Cash Management > Options, the taxes that you specify are applied by default for expense reports. To override default taxes for expense reports, you specify the tax codes to apply for an expense category in the Tax Override grid of the Expense Categories settings form. Settings > Expense > Expense Categories

To access the Tax Override grid for an expense category, on the Expense Categories form, hover over its row in one of the grids, click and select Edit. The Tax Override grid is on the Expense Categories dialog box.