Actions Bar for the Expense Report Form

Use the Actions bar to perform expense report approvals, copy and print expense reports, and upload related receipts.

Click the buttons on the Actions bar to access commonly performed actions.

Field Description
Save Select this option to save the changes that you made in the expense report.
Submit Submit the expense report for approval based in the employee expense approval workflow. This option is available if the employee expense approval workflow is enabled.
Unsubmit Retract an expense report that you submitted for approval. This option works as long as the displayed expense report that you want to unsubmit has not yet been approved in any approval step based on the employee expense approval workflow. This option is available if the employee expense approval workflow is enabled.
Approval options are available when:
  • The approval workflow for employee expense is enabled.
  • The expense report was submitted.
  • You have the appropriate approval role based on the approval workflow.
  • The specific option is applicable for the current approval step and status as configured in the approval workflow.

If the expense approvals workflow is enabled, click the Approve option to perform the following actions:

  • Approve: Select to approve an expense report. When you finish, the expense report is automatically sent to the next step in the approval workflow.
  • Reassign: Select to assign another employee to approve the expense report.
  • Reject: Select to reject an expense report that does not meet the requirements for an approval.
  • Reopen: Reopen a previously approved expense report. You can update the reopened expense report and submit it again for approval. Posted expense reports cannot be reopened.
  • Restart Approval: Select this option to send the record back to step 1 of the approval workflow after an approver edits the record for the approval step. This allows approvers from earlier steps to review and approve the record.

Other Actions

Click this menu to perform the following actions:

Field Description
Copy Expense Report Click this option to create a new expense report by copying the current expense report.
Upload Receipts Click this option to upload copies of your receipts and attach them to an editable expense report. See the Expense Report Receipts Dialog Box online help topic for more information.
Currency Override If you use multiple currencies, you can click this option to use the Currency Override dialog box to select a different currency or exchange rate for one or more items on your expense report. This is useful in situations where the assigned default currency or exchange rate does not apply to the expense item that you are entering. See the Currency Override Dialog Box online help topic for more information.
Show/Hide Approvals Timeline Click this option to show or hide the approvals timeline. This timeline displays information about the approval progress for a record, such as who is assigned to the approval steps and the dates on which actions are taken for the approval steps. See the Approval Progress Dialog Box online help topic for more information.
Delete Click this option to delete the expense report record.
Print Click this option to print an expense report. You can specify the information that you want to include:
  • Detailed Expense Report: Select this to generate a Detailed Expense Report that includes all information from the expense report.
  • Summarized Expense Report: Select this to generate a Summarized Expense Report. This report is a more compact version of the Detailed Expense Report. It does not display expense details entered on a Detail dialog box.
  • Include Attached Receipts: Select this If receipts are attached to the expense report and you want to print those along with the expense report.
See the View or Print an Expense Report online help topic for more information.