Contents of the Expense Alerts Form

Use the Expense Alerts form fields and options to configure alerts to send to employees for credit card-paid expenses.


Field Description
Company Name If your firm uses multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You can select a different company.

Alert Grid

Click an alert name hyperlink in the grid to open a dialog box and configure the alert before you activate and use it.

Alert Grid Fields

Field Description

This field displays the following alerts that are available to use:

  • New Credit Card Transactions Available: This alert notifies the appropriate employees when a new credit card charge that they made has been imported into Vantagepoint, and it is ready to add to an expense report.
  • Past Due Credit Card Transactions: This alert is sent to employees and, optionally, their supervisors after a certain number of days has passed without the imported expense being posted on an expense report.

Click the alert name hyperlink to configure the alert before you use it.

Active Select this check box to start using the alert.