Post Final Billing Invoices in the Transaction Center

One option for posting invoices after you final accept them in Interactive Billing is to post them in the Transaction Center.

Use these steps to post billing invoices when either of the following apply:

  • Your security role does not have access to the Post on Accept check box on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  • Your security role has access to the Post on Accept check box on the Billing Session Options dialog box, but you did not select it.

Note: If you have access to and select the Post on Accept check box, billing invoices are automatically posted when you final accept them in Interactive Billing. You do not need to post them in the Transaction Center.

To post billing invoices in the Transaction Center after you final accept them in Interactive Billing:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices.
  2. On the Invoices form, select the check box at the beginning of a row in the Invoices grid for the files that contain the billing invoices you want to post.
  3. On the grid's action bar, click Post to post the file now, or click Schedule to Post to schedule the posting to occur at a future time.
  4. In the Posting dialog box that asks if you want to continue to make these permanent changes, click Post.
  5. If you clicked Schedule to Post to post at a future time, complete the information in the Schedule dialog box and click Schedule.

When the file is posted, your general ledger, accounts receivable ledger, and project records are updated.