Checklist for Processing Invoices in Interactive Billing

Use this checklist to review the overall steps for creating one billing invoice at a time by project in Interactive Billing.

This checklist applies if you do not use approvals for billing invoices. For information about processing invoices with an approval process, see Approving Billing Invoices

Step Description Location in Vantagepoint

In various applications in Vantagepoint, enter and post the following billable transactions that you plan to include on a billing invoice for a project:

  • Timesheets
  • Expense reports
  • AP Vouchers
  • AP Disbursements
  • Labor adjustments
  • Miscellaneous expenses
  • Units
  • Units by project

Labor transactions are billable if you post them to a billable labor code.

Expense transactions are generally billable if you post then to a general ledger account other than a direct expense account (by default, 600-level account).

  • My Stuff > Timesheet
  • My Stuff > Expenses
  • Transaction Center > Transaction Entry
2 Review the Unbilled Detail and Aging report for a project to evaluate possible transactions to include on the next billing invoice.

My Stuff > Reporting > Reports tab: Billing report type

3 Begin a session in Interactive Billing: Select session options, such as invoice date and bill-through date for the possible transactions to include on the invoice.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Billing Session Options dialog box

4 Select a project whose billing invoice you want to process.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Interactive Billing form

5 Preview draft invoices for a project.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Print on the actions bar

6 Review fee terms for your projects, and update if necessary.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Fees tab

7 Select the transactions to bill on the invoice, hold, transfer, write off, delete, modify, or insert.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Grid actions bar on the Labor, Expense, and Units tabs

8 Accept the final invoice.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Accept on the actions bar

9 Modify the totals on the Accept Final Invoice form if necessary.

Billing > Interactive Billing: Final Invoice Accept form

10 Post the invoice file that was created.

Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices