Contents of the Queue Manager Form

Use this form to view the different processes that are in the queue for the process server. You can filter the list to view only those processes that meet the specified criteria.

Field Description
Choose Queue Select the process queue that you want to view.
Status Queue This field displays the status of the queue, such as Running, Hold, or Waiting.
Stop/Continue If the queue is stopped, this button is labeled Continue and you start the queue by clicking it. If the queue is running, this button is labeled Stop and you stop the queue by clicking it.

You may want to stop a queue if you need to load new forms in the target printer. Stopping a queue temporarily suspends processing for the selected queue, but does not unassign it from the associated process server. If you stop or shut down a server with active processes waiting in the queue, Vantagepoint does not delete the processes. If a process is currently running on the process server, Vantagepoint completes the current process before pausing or shutting down.

Process Options

Select from these options to filter the list of processes that display in the process queue list.

Field Description
Filter by Process
  • Waiting: The process is waiting in the queue to be run, in the order scheduled, by the process server.
  • Running: The process is running.
  • Hold: The process has a status of Waiting is on hold.
  • Recurring: The process is set to recur based on established frequency.
Select Process from [ ] Days Specify the number of days for which you want to include processes. For example, enter 7 to view processes that were run in the past 7 days.
Complete Select this option to view the processes that have a status of complete.
Cancelled Select this option to view the processes that have a status of cancelled.

Select this option to view the processes that have a status of failed.

Refresh List Click this button to refresh the list of processes to reflect the current filter options. You must click this button each time that you change the options.

Queue Processes Grid

This grid lists the processes that have been queued. Click and use the grid options to perform additional functions with the processes. For more information, see: Queue Manager Tasks and Options.

Field Description
Status This field displays the process ID.
Description This field displays the date/time when the process was submitted. Click the description link to open the Process Queue Details dialog box and view the details and parameters for the selected process.
Start After This field displays the next date/time on which the process will be run (or after which the process will run, if Vantagepoint is not running at that time). For example, Every Wednesday.
Started/Finished These fields display the start and finish times of the process.