Contents of the General Ledger Options Form

Use the fields on this form to establish General Ledger options.

Global General Ledger Options

Field Description
Cash Basis Reporting Set this option to Yes if you want to print your accounting reports with the cash-basis method of accounting. Cash-basis reporting is a method of financial accounting in which revenue is not earned until cash is received, and expenses are not incurred until cash is disbursed.
Enable Cash Basis Postings for Labor Transactions Set this option to Yes if you want Vantagepoint to post cash-basis entries when you post timesheets or labor adjustments. This option is available when the Accounting application is enabled and you select the Cash Basis Reporting option on this form.
Do Not Allow Account Name Changes in Chart of Accounts Set this option to Yes to prevent users from changing the name of a general ledger account in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts after a transaction (posted or unposted) has been created for the account.
Default Account Group Table

Use this field if you use account group tables and you want a specific account group table to automatically populate for all accounts when you set up accounts in your chart of accounts.

From the drop-down list, select the account group table that you want to automatically populate in the Account Groups grid on the General tab in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.

You create the account group tables in Settings > General Ledger > Account Group Tables.

Account Status Grid

Field Description
Label This field indicates the status of the account: Active, Inactive, or Dormant. (You enter the status on the Chart of Accounts form in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts.)
Message For each account status, click the Message field and select None, Warning, or Error.

This setting determines whether or not a message displays and the type of message that displays when users enter general ledger accounts throughout Vantagepoint. For example, to prevent users from entering an inactive account during data entry, select Error in the Message field for the Inactive label.

The options in the Message field are:

  • None: No message displays, and the account can be used for data entry.
  • Warning: A message displays the account status, and the account can be used for data entry.
  • Error: A message displays the account status, and the account cannot be used for data entry.

Company Specific Settings

Your company name displays as the title of this section.

Field Description
Enable General Ledger Budget Approvals Set this option to Yes to enable approvals for general ledger budgets.
Approval Workflow This option displays if Enable General Ledger Budget Approvals is set to Yes. Select the approval workflow to use. The choices for this field are set in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows.
Approval Start Year This option displays if Enable General Ledger Budget Approvals is set to Yes. Enter the first year in which you want to use approvals. General ledger budgets that fall within this year or later will have approvals enabled. Leave this field blank to enable approvals for all existing general ledger budgets.