How Vantagepoint Determines Which Billing Terms to Use

Vantagepoint uses the billing terms established at the most granular WBS level that exists for the project. If you have not entered terms for that level, or if you have chosen to consolidate printing at a higher level, Vantagepoint uses the terms entered for the next higher level, or the level at which the terms were consolidated.

When you open the Billing Terms form for a project, and the project is divided into lower levels of the WBS, you can open a Sub-Level Terms tab to enter billing terms for the lower levels.

  • Vantagepoint calculates and formats the invoice using terms defined at the most granular WBS level, unless consolidation options are selected.

    To use phase terms for billing, the Phase Terms option must be selected and phase terms must be entered on the phase Sub-Level Terms tab.

    To use task terms for billing, the Task Terms option must be selected and task terms must be entered on the task Sub-Level Terms tab.

  • If a project has billing terms defined for the second, or second and third, WBS level and if Consolidate Printing of Phases is selected from the phase Sub-Level Terms tab, Vantagepoint calculates and formats the invoice using project-level terms, and does not show phase-level or task-level detail.

  • If the project has billing terms defined for the second and third WBS level and Consolidate Printing of Tasks is selected on the phase Sub-Level Terms Tab, Vantagepoint calculates and formats the invoice showing project and phase detail, but using project-level terms.

  • If the project has billing terms defined for the second and third WBS level and Consolidate Printing of Tasks is selected on the task Sub-Level Terms Tab, Vantagepoint calculates and formats the invoice using project-level terms, and does not show phase-level or task-level detail.