Export Planning Data to a .CSV File

When you run the export process from the Planning Data Export form (Utilities > Imports & Exports > Planning Data Export, Vantagepoint exports project planning data, including planned labor, expenses, and consultants data, into a .CSV (comma-separated values) file.

You must have security access to this utility, as well as view access to the project plan data that you want to export. Also, FILESTREAM (a Microsoft SQL Server feature) must be enabled.

To export planning data to a .CSV file:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities Imports & Exports > Planning Data Export.
  2. On the Planning Data Export form, click Planning Data to display the Export Planning Data dialog box.
  3. In Projects, select the projects for which you want to export planning data.
  4. To export labor assignments for the projects, select Labor Assignments.
  5. If you selected Labor Assignments, select the time scale that you want to use. For example, if you select Weeks, the export file will contain planned labor hours and amounts by week.
  6. To export planned amounts for expenses and consultants, select Expenses and Consultants.
  7. Click Next.

    If you are exporting labor planning data only or are exporting both labor data and expenses and consultants data, the Export Labor Assignments dialog box displays. If you are only exporting expenses and consultants planning data, the Export Expenses and Consultants dialog box displays.

  8. Select the data columns that you want to include in the .CSV file. To select all data columns in the set of data, select the check box next to the Deltek Field heading.

    Note that the list of columns does not include plan work breakdown structure (WBS) IDs and descriptions. Vantagepoint automatically includes those columns in every export file. If for some reason you do not want those columns, you can delete them from the .CSV file.

  9. Select the Include headers check box to include column headers in the file.
  10. Click Export.

    If you are exporting both labor assignments and expenses and consultant data, the Export Expenses and Consultants dialog box displays. Repeat steps 8 - 10 for that data set.

    If you have selected and exported all data, Vantagepoint closes the dialog box and adds a link for each new .CSV file to the export list on the Planning Data Export form.

  11. To view the exported data, click the .CSV file links that the export process created.