Copy an Existing Data Export Definition to Create a New One

You can quickly create a data export definition by copying an existing definition, and then edit the fields that carried over from the copied definition as needed.

To copy an existing data export definition to create a new one:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports.
  2. In the grid on the Definitions tab of the Data Export Definitions form, hover over a data export definition to copy, at the end of the row click , and then select Copy.
    On the Definition Setup form, you see the new definition, which has some prefilled fields from the copied definition.
  3. On the Definition Setup form, enter a new name for the data export definition and the target file name.
  4. Review all the settings from that carried over from the copied definition, and make any edits as needed.
  5. Click the Save action.

The data export definition is added to the grid on the Definitions tab of the Data Export Definitions form.

The definition is ready to use to export Vantagepoint data to a file. You can do that using the Export action on the Definition Setup form, the Export row option in the grid on the Definitions tab of the Data Export Definitions form, or the Integrations Manager utility.