Accounts Mapping Tab of the QuickBooks Form

Use this tab to review and map the general ledger accounts that are shared between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online.

When you map accounts, the same accounts in QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint are linked together so that one set of accounts is used by both QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint for transaction processing.

You must map all the accounts that will be used for transaction entry and processing (such as timesheets, expense reports, and billing invoices) between QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint.

WARNING: If you create transactions using general ledger accounts that are not mapped between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online, the transactions are not added to the other product when updating occurs between the two products. For more information, see Failed Transactions Due to Missing Account or Tax Code Mapping.


Accounts Grid

This grid shows you the QuickBooks Online account in the QuickBooks Online Reference field that is mapped to the Vantagepoint account in the Account field.

When records are copied from QuickBooks Online to Vantagepoint for the first time using the Initialize Vantagepoint button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility, the following process occurs for account mapping on the Accounts Mapping tab:

  • If an account in QuickBooks Online has the same name as an account in Vantagepoint, the accounts are automatically mapped, and you see the name of the mapped QuickBooks Online account in the QuickBooks Online Reference field in the accounts grid.
  • Accounts in QuickBooks Online that are not in Vantagepoint (based on account name) are added to Vantagepoint in Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts and to the accounts grid on the Accounts Mapping tab. Then you map a QuickBooks Online account to a Vantagepoint account by selecting the appropriate QuickBooks Online account in the QuickBooks Online Reference field.

If you add new general ledger accounts in QuickBooks Online after you have completed the initialization process using the Initialize Vantagepoint button, the new accounts are added to Vantagepoint the next time the updating occurs between QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint. Then you map the QuickBooks Online account to the Vantagepoint by selecting the QuickBooks Online account in the QuickBooks Online Reference field.

For information on how to filter the contents of the grid, see Filter the Grid Results.

Field Description
Account This field displays the number for a general ledger account. All accounts in Vantagepoint Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts display in this grid.

To map a QuickBooks Online account to this Vantagepoint account, click anywhere in the row for the account, and in the QuickBooks Online Reference field, select a QuickBooks Online account.

Name This field displays the name of the Vantagepoint account (from Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts).
Type This field displays the account type for the Vantagepoint account (from Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts).

Possible types are: Asset, Liability, Net Worth, Revenue, Reimbursable Expense, Reimbursable Consultant, Direct, Direct Consultant, Indirect, and Other Charges.

Vantagepoint uses this information for organizational purposes on the account reports.

Status This field displays the status of the Vantagepoint account (from Settings > General Ledger > Chart of Accounts).

Possible statuses are:

  • Active: The account can be used for transactions.
  • Inactive: The account cannot be used for transactions. It is removed from the list of active accounts that displays in an Account lookup field, but it remains in the database so that you can report on history.
  • Dormant: The account cannot be used for transactions.
QuickBooks Online Reference

This field displays the name of the general ledger account from QuickBooks Online that is mapped to the Vantagepoint account in the Account field in the row. Any new accounts added to QuickBooks Online since the last update between Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online occurred are automatically added to the drop-down list in this field.

This field may prefill with a QuickBooks Online account when you copy records from QuickBooks Online to Vantagepoint for the first time using the Initialize Vantagepoint button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility. A QuickBooks Online account prefills in this field if it has the same name as the Vantagepoint account in the Account field.

To manually map a QuickBooks Online account to a Vantagepoint account or change the mapping, click anywhere in the row for the Vantagepoint account. Then click in the QuickBooks Online Reference field, and select a QuickBooks Online account.

If the QuickBooks Online account that you want to map does not display in the drop-down list, enter it in QuickBooks Online, and either click the Process Changes Now button on the Integration Setup tab of the QuickBooks integration utility or wait until the automatic update occurs between the two products. This adds the account from QuickBooks Online to the drop-down list in the QuickBooks Online Reference field.