Project Information Management (PIM) Integration Utility

Vantagepoint provides an integration utility in Utilities > Integrations > PIM where you can set up the Vantagepoint integration settings for Deltek's Project Information Management.

Firms that purchase PIM have the option of integrating PIM with Vantagepoint. The integration brings key features of document management from PIM directly into selected Vantagepoint hubs. It also provides, within Vantagepoint, access to the PIM Information Zone (Hubs > PIM Information Zone) and Personal Zone (My Stuff > PIM Personal Zone).

You can integrate Vantagepoint projects, firms, employees, contacts, and marketing campaigns with PIM. With this integration, you can easily view, add, and modify documents associated with Vantagepoint records from a new PIM form included in each of the hubs, eliminating the need to click between two different programs.

Vantagepoint fields that are mapped to PIM fields continue to be maintained in Vantagepoint. PIM is updated immediately when you save changes. For detailed information on the mapped fields, see Information Synchronized from Vantagepoint to PIM.

Work with your PIM consultant to install PIM and enable the Vantagepoint-to-PIM integration. The main steps are:

  1. You set up users and security roles separately in PIM and in Vantagepoint.
  2. The consultant uses a copy of your Vantagepoint database instance to run an initialization utility that creates the initial setup of records in the new PIM database.
  3. In Vantagepoint, the consultant enables the integration between Vantagepoint and PIM.

After the integration is enabled, complete the procedures described in Set Up the PIM Integration.

Note about Terms Used in These Topics

Vantagepoint is installed with a set of standard labels for key terms that are used throughout the product, but your company can substitute its own custom labels for these standard system labels. For example, it could substitute "Contract" for "Project," and that change would apply throughout the user interface. Similarly, when you access the Vantagepoint online help while you are logged into Vantagepoint, your custom labels are substituted for the standard system labels in the content of the help topics that you view.

Note, however, that if you access the Vantagepoint help when not logged into your instance of the product, the help topics use the standard system labels, so those labels may not match the terms that you are familiar with. This occurs, for example, if you access the help directly using its web URL. This also occurs if Deltek provides help content to you in a printed document or a PDF file.