Bill Units on an Invoice

Use units to bill non-labor expenses at a flat rate. For example, you might set up units for goods or services, such as lab tests or survey crews that you bill at a flat rate.

You set up and maintain units in Settings > Accounting > Units.

If a unit will have the same rate on every project, create the unit in the <Default> unit table. If a unit will have different rates for different projects or organizations, create additional tables.

To bill units on an invoice:

  1. On the Navigation pane, select Settings > Accounting > Units.
  2. On the Unit Tables settings form, create a unit in the <Default> unit table.
    If the unit will be charged to different projects or organizations at different rates, create an additional table for each different rate.
  3. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.
  4. On the Billing Terms form, select the project.
  5. In the Expenses and Units sections of the Rates tab, specify billing terms for units for the project.
  6. Open the same project in Billing > Interactive Billing, click the Units tab, and insert your new unit.
    The Status option is set to Bill automatically when you insert a new unit transaction.
  7. If necessary, change the Status option.