Create Multiple New Users from Employee Records

You can use existing employee records as the basis for creating multiple user records at one time. You cannot exceed the number of users that your company is licensed to set up.

To create multiple new users:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Security > Users.
  2. On the Actions bar of the Users form, click Other Actions > Generate Users.
  3. On the Generate Users dialog box, in Generate Users for Employees that Do Not Have a Username, select employees from the list of those who do not yet have a user record.
  4. Use the Role option to assign the user to a security role, which determines the applications, menu items, and options that the user is allowed to access.
  5. In Username Format, select the format for the usernames that are generated from the employee records.
    Vantagepoint defaults to all capital letters. For example, the format Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial displays the username Richard M. Freeman as FREEMANRM.
  6. Use the Initial Password option to select the format of the automatically generated password that users are initially assigned.
  7. In the Domain field, select the user's domain server name, which is necessary for Windows Integrated Security.
    This field is only enabled when you select the Windows Authentication option on the Users form.
  8. Click Generate Users to generate the new users and their usernames.
    Emails are sent to newly-generated users with their new user name and password. When new users first log in, they must change the initial password.