Transfer Amounts but Not Units for Expenses in Interactive Billing

In Interactive Billing, you can transfer expense amounts without transferring unit quantities. For example, an expense may consist of one unit, and you want to transfer part of the cost of that one unit to another project.

This applies for reimbursable or consultant expenses that were generated from a voucher that you created using the Create Voucher from PO application.

Pre-requisites: Before you can complete these transfers, you must select the Show Purchase Order Line Item Detail check box in the Expense Terms or Consultant Terms sections on the Expenses/Units tab in Billing Terms for the project.

To transfer only an amount for an expense, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. Complete the information on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, select the project from which you want to transfer an expense amount (the source project).
  4. Click the Expenses tab, and in the grid, select the expense for which you want to transfer an amount.
  5. On the grid's actions bar, click Transfer.
  6. On the Billing Expense Transfer dialog box:
    1. In the Project field, enter the project that will receive the transferred cost (the target project).
    2. In the Quantity field, delete the number, leaving the field blank.
    3. In the Amount field, which is now editable, enter the amount to transfer.
  7. Click OK.
    • For the source project, the expense's cost amount and unit price is reduced. The quantity remains the same as before the transfer.
    • The target project has a new expense with the cost amount that you transferred, a quantity of zero, and a unit price of zero.