Billing Labor Transfers

In Interactive Billing you can transfer labor transaction detail from one project to another or within a single project.

Labor Information that Is Transferrable

You can transfer transactions by entering a different project, phase, task, labor code, or labor category and/or modifying regular, overtime, and secondary overtime hours.

For example, you can transfer all or a portion of the hours charged by an employee to a different labor code. When you transfer a portion, an additional transaction is added to the grid on the Labor tab in Interactive Billing, for the labor code transferred to and the hours transferred. The Hours field on the original transaction in the grid is decreased by the number of hours specified for the transfer.

Labor transfers make credit adjustments when you transfer labor to a project with a different effective date cost rate, if your company uses the Effective Date for Cost rates feature.

Transferring from One Project to Another

You can transfer labor transactions to another project if an employee charged the original labor transaction to the wrong project. Transferring labor hours from project to project is equivalent to doing a negative and positive timesheet to correct hours that were charged to the wrong project, phase, or task.

Transferring Within the Same Project (Reclassifying)

You can transfer labor transactions within the same project to modify the labor transaction’s labor code from billable to non-billable, or if the labor was simply charged to the wrong labor code. You can change the labor category.

Labor Transfer Alerts

Your administrator can configure Labor Billing Transfer Audit alerts in the Settings > General > System Alerts. When this alert is configured, the affected employees (or their supervisor/administrator) receive an alert through the Notification Center when a line item on a timesheet has hours that are transferred from one project, phase, task, or labor code to another. An employee can complete the transfer acknowledgment using Actions > Acknowledge Transfers on their timesheet form.

Labor Transfers and Payroll

Billing labor transfers do not appear in Payroll. In some cases, it is best to perform a reversing timesheet entry, rather than a labor transfer. For example, if your company uses multiple labor rates for a single employee and you perform a labor transfer from a project with one rate to another project with a second rate, the labor transfer will not update the rate as a reversing timesheet entry would. So if an employee has a rate of $30 an hour for Project A and $25 an hour for Project B, when you transfer labor from Project A to Project B, a $5 an hour reduction in pay occurs. This reduction will not occur if you perform a labor transfer. The rate of $30 will transfer to Project B.

Cost Labor Tables

If cost labor tables are enabled, the labor rate will not be recalculated at the time of the billing transfer if the original labor transaction has already been processed through adjust salaried job costing. The adjusted rate is used for the transfer.