Export Vantagepoint Data to a File Using the Exports Utility

Export Vantagepoint data to a file. Then use the file to import the data into other, third-party software.

Prerequisite: You must first create a data export definition to use to export Vantagepoint data to a file.

An alternative to generating an export file using the Exports utility is to use the Integrations Manager utility to export Vantagepoint data for an individual data export definition or multiple data export definitions at a time. For more information, see Integrations Manager Utility.

To export Vantagepoint data to a file:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports.
  2. In the data export definitions grid on the Definitions tab of the Data Export Definitions form, complete one of the following steps:
    • If you do not need to make any changes to the definition setup before you export: Hover over the data export definition in the grid, click at the end of the row, and select Export from the shortcut menu.
    • To make any changes to the data export definition setup before you export: Click the name of the data export definition in the grid on the Definitions tab. On the Definition Setup form make any needed changes, and then click the Export action.
  3. On the Export dialog box, change the target file name, as needed.
    The target file is the file into which the Vantagepoint data will be exported.
  4. If you want to view the data and formatting in the file before you generate the export file, click the Preview button.
  5. Click the Export button to export the Vantagepoint data to a file.

    If the data export definition that you used has an email or FTP target specified in the Export Location field on the Definition Setup form, the export file is automatically sent to the specified email addresses or FTP location.

    If the data export definition has Default specified in the Export Location field, use the bar at the bottom of your screen to select a Save or Save As location for saving the file.