Create a Data Export Definition

Create a data export definition in the Exports utility for exporting Vantagepoint data to a file.

Prerequisite: If you want to assign email and/or FTP targets to a data export definition, you must first set up those targets on the Target tab of the Data Export Definitions form. For more information, see Set Up Email or FTP Targets for Data Export Definitions. You can also assign an email or FTP target after you create and save a data export definition.

Video: See related video below

To create a data export definition:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports.
  2. On the Data Export Definitions form, click + New Data Export Definition.
  3. Complete the entries on the Select Columns dialog box: Enter the data export definition name and the category, select a data pack and the columns (fields) for the data export definition, and click Save.
  4. On the Definition Setup form, complete more information for the definition, such as the export file type, field delimiters, default target file name, calculated fields, sort options, parameters, and properties for the columns in the export file.
  5. Click Save.

The data export definition is added to the grid on the Definitions tab of the Data Export Definitions form.

The definition is ready to use to export Vantagepoint data to a file. You can do that using the Export action on the Definition Setup form, the Export row option in the grid on the Definitions tab of the Data Export Definitions form, or the Integrations Manager utility.


Title Description

Create a Data Export Definition in the Exports Utility

Learn how to set up a data export definition in the Exports utility, specify the data to be included, define the export file type, and specify the delimiters used in the file.