Post a Transaction File

After you review or print a transaction file to confirm that it is correct, you can post the file right away or schedule it to be posted at a later time. Posting updates your general ledger, subsidiary ledgers, and project files; it also allows you to generate up-to-date reports. Because posting permanently updates the database, it is important to first review the data to confirm that it is correct.

To post a transaction file:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Transaction Center > Transaction Entry.
  2. Select a transaction from the All Transaction form, or open a specific type of transaction and select a transaction file (for example, Journal Entries or AP Vouchers).
  3. Use one of these options on the Actions bar to post the transaction:
    • Click Post to post the transaction file immediately.
    • Click Schedule to Post to display the Schedule dialog box. Set a date and time in the future when the transaction file will be posted and choose if you want to receive a notification when the posting is complete. See the Schedule Dialog Box online help topic for more information.