Contents of the Integrations Task List Form

Use these fields and options to add and remove tasks from an integration and run import and export tasks.



Field Description
Integration Name Enter the name for a new integration. You can also change the name for an existing integration.
Integration Description Enter a description for a new integration. You can also change the description for an existing integration.

This field prefills with the period ending date for the active accounting period that you have open in Vantagepoint. The active period ending date is displayed on the main Vantagepoint toolbar. Change the period ending date on the main toolbar to change the period ending date in the Period field.

All tasks added to an integration are available no matter what period is currently selected.

Each import and export task has a status and last run date for each accounting period. The Status and Last Run fields in the tasks grid on this form show values that are based on the period whose ending date is displayed in the Period field.

Be sure that the period in the Period field is the desired period in which you want to import or export tasks if you want to track imports and exports by accounting period.

Tasks Grid

This grid displays all the task that you add to the integration using the + New Task option in the form. The Status, and the Last Run fields in the grid display information for the task for the period displayed in the Period field on this form.

Tasks Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Click this icon to maximize the grid to a full screen display. This expanded view reduces the need to scroll through long lists of records. Click it again to return to the standard grid display. For more information, see Maximize the Grid View.
Click this icon to select the columns to include in the grid. The columns available for the grid include both standard fields and user-defined fields that are used in the corresponding application area. For more information see Select Columns for a Grid.
Click this icon to export all the rows in the tasks grid into a .CSV (comma-separated values) file that you save in Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .CSV files. This exports the information in each field in the row. It does not run the export tasks in the grid.
Click this icon to turn the filter row on or off in the grid. The filter row is used to quickly search for a report. For information about how the filter works, see Filter the Grid Results.

Task Grid Fields

This list of fields includes all the possible fields you can add to the grid using on the grid toolbar.

Field Description
Check Box Click the check box to select a task in the grid before you click the Export Selected action.

This field displays the name of the task that you added to the integration using + New Task on the Integrations Task List form.

  • For import tasks: The task name is the name of the input table entered in the Input Table Name field on the Main tab of the Import Utility form for a saved import in the Desktop Imports utility in the desktop application.
  • For export tasks: The task name is the name of the data export definition saved in the Exports utility.

For import tasks: This field is empty. Enter a description for the import task.

For export tasks: This field prefills with the description entered in the Additional Export Settings section of the Definition Setup form in the Exports utility for the data export definition assigned to the export task.

Type This field displays either Import or Export to indicate the type of task.

For import tasks: This field displays what is entered in the following two fields on the Main tab of the Import Utility form in the Desktop Imports utility in the desktop application for the saved import assigned to the import task: From field (Text File or ODBC DSN) and the Input Table Name field.

For export tasks: This field displays the location entered in the Export Location field in the Additional Export Settings section on the Definition Setup form in the Exports utility for the data export definition assigned to the export task. In the Export Location field on the Definition Setup form, you enter a specific email target, a specific FTP target, or Default. If you selected Default for a data export definition, you determine the location when you save the export file, and Location field on the Integrations Task List form is blank.


This displays an export task's status for the active accounting period whose period end date displays in the Period field on the Integrations Task List form.

Statuses are: Run, Not Run, and Fail.

The Status field is updated when you create a data export file using the Export All or Export Selected action on the Integrations Task List form. The Status field is not updated when you create a data export file by hovering over a row in the tasks grid on the Integrations Task List form, clicking at the end of the row, and then selecting Edit. This takes you to the Definition Setup form in the Exports utility where you create a data export file by clicking Export on that form.

Last Run

This displays the date that an export task was last run for the active accounting period whose period end date displays in the Period field on the Integrations Task List form. This does not apply for import tasks.

The Last Run field is updated when you create a data export file using the Export All or Export Selected action on the Integrations Task List form. The Last Run field is not updated when you create a data export file by hovering over a row in the tasks grid on the Integrations Task List form, clicking at the end of the row, and then selecting Edit. This takes you to the Definition Setup form in the Exports utility where you create a data export file by clicking Export on that form.


For import tasks: This field displays the name of the user who created the import definition in the Desktop Import utility.

For export tasks: This field does not apply and displays n/a.

Row Tools

Hover over a row in the grid, click , and then select one of the following options:

Field Description

For import tasks:

Select this option to open the Desktop Imports utility in the Vantagepoint desktop application (Utilities > Desktop Imports). On the dialog box that asks if you want to open the application from, click Open. Log in to Vantagepoint. On the Import Utility form, edit the setup for an input table name as needed and import data from a file into Vantagepoint. Use the Navigation pane to return to the Integrations Manager utility.

Importing from the Integrations Manager utility does not update the Status and Last Run fields on the Integrations Tasks List form.

For export tasks:

Select this option to open the Definition Setup form in the Exports utility (Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports. Make any changes to the data export definition as needed and use the Export action on the form to export Vantagepoint data to a file. Use the Navigation pane to return to the Integrations Manager utility.

IMPORTANT: Exporting data this way is not tracked in the Integrations Manager utility. The Status and Last Run fields on the Integrations Tasks List form are not updated when you export data to a file this way.


For import tasks:

Select this option to open the Desktop Imports utility in the Vantagepoint desktop application (Utilities > Desktop Imports). On the dialog box that asks if you want to open the application from, click Open. Log in to Vantagepoint. On the Import Utility form, edit the setup for an input table name as needed and import data from a file into Vantagepoint. Use the Navigation pane to return to the Integrations Manager utility.

For export tasks:

Select this option to export Vantagepoint data to a file for the export task.

  • If the export location for the data export definition for the export task is set to Default in the Exports utility (meaning that you choose the location when you export data to the file): In the dialog box that asks if you want to save the file, click Save As and save the export file as a ZIP file to a location on your PC or network.
  • If the export location for the data export definition for the export task an email target: The export file is emailed to the recipients who are specified for the email target.
  • If the export location for the data export definition for the export task is an FTP target: The export file is saved to the location specified as the FTP target.
Remove Select this option to remove the selected task from the integration.