Contents of the Copy/Reverse Lines Dialog Box

Use the dialog box to select AP line items to copy to or reverse items in the Project Information grid.

Field Description
Search Enter the first few letters of the description, phase, or task or the first few digits of the line, project, account, or amount to filter the results.
Description This column displays the description of the AP line item as entered in the Project Information grid of the AP Vouchers form.
Line This column displays the line number of the item as it appears in the Project Information grid.
Project Enter the project name or number or select a project from the Project lookup.
Project Name This column displays the project number associated with the line item.
Phase Enter the phase name or number or select a phase from the Phase lookup.
Phase Name This column displays the phase number associated with the line item.
Task Enter the task name or number or select a task from the Task lookup.
Task Name This column displays the task number associated with the line item.
Account This column displays the general ledger account for this AP line item.
Amount This column displays the amount of the AP line item.
Currency Code This column displays if you use multiple currencies. This column displays the currency code of the amount of the AP line item.
Copy/Copy All Select this option to copy the line item or line items to the Project Information grid. When copied, Vantagepoint creates new items in the grid and does not replace existing ones. You can modify the amount in the line items to make adjustments to the AP voucher.
Reverse/Reverse All Select this option to reverse the line item or line items to the Project Information grid. When reversed, Vantagepoint creates new line items with negative values in the Amount field.