Vendor Review Tab of the Create Voucher from Purchase Orders Form

Use the Vendor Review tab to create a voucher from the data in one or more vendors' open purchase orders.

You must select the Selected for this run check box on this tab to enable all the fields on this tab.

For non-inventory items, you can use the 2-way or the 3-way match procedure. For inventory items, you must use the 3-way match procedure.

If you use multiple companies, the vendors that are available are the ones with accounting set up for the active company in the Firms hub.

The collected amount of the vouchers that you select, including their tax, shipping, and other amounts, must match the Invoice Amount in the tab's header. You can select one or more purchase orders or any of their line items; one or more releases for blanket orders, or any of their line items; or a mix of these.


Tab Header

After you select one or more vendors, the first, unlabeled fields in the header section display the vendor number and vendor name for the current vendor.

Field Description
Selected for this run Select this check box to enable the fields on this tab. The data that you enter on this tab is applicable to the selected vendor, whose name and number display at the top of the tab.
Match Method Select the matching procedure to use. If you selected the vendor from the Vendor lookup, this field displays the match method from the selected vendor's settings on the Vendor tab of the Firms hub.

You can modify this field, using the following guidelines:

  • Deltek recommends that you keep the same match method for a vendor each time that you create a voucher for that vendor.
  • For either match method, Vantagepoint also identifies all of the vendor's service orders.
  • If the item is an inventory item, you must select 3-way Match.

2-way Match: This procedure matches data from the vendor's invoice with data from the vendor's purchase orders. This procedure identifies all of the vendor's item detail lines that are available to voucher. This procedure usually identifies more of a vendor's item detail lines than does the three-way match procedure. You must have the vendor's invoice. It is not necessary to receive the goods or services before you use this procedure.

3-way Match: This procedure matches data from the vendor's invoice and from the receipt for the vendor's shipment with data from the vendor's purchase orders. This procedure identifies all of the vendor's item detail lines that are available to voucher. This procedure usually identifies fewer item detail lines for a vendor than does the two-way match procedure. You must have the vendor's invoice and receive the order before you use this procedure.

Invoice Number Enter the vendor's invoice number.
Invoice Amount The amount that you enter in this field is used as the control total for the voucher batch file. You can leave this field blank until you have the total Payment Amount from the Open to Voucher grid. The invoice amount is the sum of the amounts for the items that you selected to voucher, and their tax amounts, shipping amounts, and fee amounts. Do not include reverse charge taxes in the amount that you enter in the Invoice Amount field. Reverse charge tax amounts are not included in the Payment Amount in the Open to Voucher grid.
Invoice Date Enter the date of the vendor's invoice.
Address This field displays the usual address code for the selected vendor. You can select a different address code.
Voucher Date

Enter the date of the voucher. When you create the voucher, this date is the transaction date in the posting log.

If Vantagepoint is configured to require that transaction dates fall within the current fiscal year or current fiscal period, the date you enter must meet that requirement.

If you use multiple currencies, this date is the basis of the currency exchange between the voucher's transaction currency and its payment currency.

Voucher Enter the voucher number. This field displays only if the Require Entry of Voucher Numbers check box is selected on the Accounts Payable form (Settings > Cash Management > Accounts Payable. If this check box is not selected, then voucher numbers are automatically assigned when you post the voucher.

If you use multiple companies and you enter:

  • A numeric voucher number, it must be within the voucher number range defined for the active company on the Transaction Settings form in Settings > Accounting > Transactions.
  • An alphanumeric voucher number, it must be a number that is not used in the active company.

All transactions created while logged into this company belong to the active company. For example, if company A is the active company when you create a miscellaneous expense transaction file, then you must be logged in to company A to edit or post the file.

To change the active company in the browser application, click the name of the current company on the toolbar and select a company from the drop-down list. To change the active company in the desktop application, select Utilities > Change Company and then select a company on the Company Selection dialog box.

Currency Code If you use multiple currencies, select the currency to use as the transaction currency for this voucher. The list in this field displays the currencies that are enabled for use by the active company.
Liability Code This field displays your enterprise's usual liability code. You can select a different liability code. Your selection here controls the liability account that is charged for the line items in this voucher file.
Bank Code

Select the bank code for this file.

If you use multiple currencies, the following guidelines are true:

  • The bank that you select here controls the voucher's payment currency.
  • The Voucher Date controls the exchange rate used to convert the voucher's transaction currency to its payment currency.
  • You must enter data in this field before you can select purchase orders to voucher.
Pay Terms This field displays the selected vendor's usual payment terms. You can select different payment terms.
Payment Date Enter the date when payment is due to this vendor. This field is enabled when the Pay Terms value is Date.

Open to Voucher Grid

Each row in the grid contains a line item from a purchase order. Use this grid to select the line items and purchase orders to voucher. The grid displays all service orders for the selected vendor and all of the purchase orders and line items that are available to voucher for the selected vendor, based on the match method and criteria that you specify on the Vendor Review tab. To display lines for the inventory items that are available to voucher, you must use the 3-way match method.

If you use multiple currencies, the Currency Code specified in the header is the voucher's transaction currency. A grid row is enabled only if its Currency matches this transaction currency. To enable grid rows that have a currency different from the Currency Code specified in the header, you must change the Currency Code in the header so that it matches the currency of the rows you want to enable. Each line item's Open Amount displays in the transaction currency of its purchase order.

Open to Voucher Grid Toolbar

Field Description
View Detail Click this option to display the Purchase Order Line Detail dialog box.
Cost Distribution Click this option to open the Cost Distributions dialog box for this line. This is the last field where you can edit the voucher's line item cost distribution amounts before you start to create the voucher. The total cost distribution must match the total Open Amount in the Open to Voucher grid. If you use multiple companies, and the usual account for tax, shipping, or extra amounts that is specified on the Accounts tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form (Settings > Purchasing & Inventory > Company) is not valid for the project's company, Vantagepoint uses the equivalent account that is specified in the item's cost distribution.
Select All Click this option to select all of the vouchers displayed on the grid.
Deselect All Click this option to clear the vouchers that are selected.
Default Estimated Costs Click this option to copy this line item's data from the Tax and Shipping fields in the corresponding purchase order to the Tax and Shipping fields here.

This option displays if the Enable Inventory option is selected on the Inventory tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form.

Open to Voucher Grid Fields

Field Description
Select Select this check box for each purchase order or item that you want to voucher.

If you use an approval process for AP invoices: Vantagepoint will not allow you to select purchase order items in the Open to Voucher grid that are currently selected for AP invoices that are not final approved in Transaction Center > AP Invoice Approvals. If you configured your AP invoice approval workflow to create vouchers automatically from final approved AP invoices, a voucher will be automatically generated from the purchase order that is entered for an AP invoice (in the Purchase Order field on the AP Invoice Approvals form) when you final approve the AP invoice. If vouchers are not configured to be automatically created from AP invoices, you can create a voucher in the Create Voucher from PO application after an AP invoice is final approved.

P.O. Number This field displays the number of the purchase order or blanket order release.
  • This number is an active link if your security role has access to Purchase Orders, as specified on the Overview tab of the Roles form in Settings > Security > Roles. Click the link to display the purchase order record.
  • This number is a disabled link if your security role does not have access to Purchase Orders.
Currency If you use multiple currencies, this column displays the currency in which the amounts on this row are displayed.
Seq This column displays the number for the item's sequence on the Line Items tab of the purchase order identified in P.O. Number.
Description This column displays the item's description.
Open Qty This column displays the item's open quantity to be vouchered, based on the matching method.
Open Amount This column displays the item's open amount to be vouchered, using the match method specified. If you use multiple currencies, this amount is expressed in the transaction currency of the item's purchase order.
Tax Code This field indicates whether or not you enabled the Tax Auditing feature on the Cash Management Options form in Settings > Cash Management > Options. The field is enabled if this item's category has the Taxable check box selected on the Item Categories tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form.

This field prefills with the tax code that is entered for the item's ship-to address for the purchase order or purchase order item. You can change this as needed. The drop-down list in this field displays all of the tax codes with an active status in Tax Codes Settings that have the Available for Purchasing check box selected. When Tax Auditing is enabled, tax codes that have the Transaction Entry check box selected are also included in the drop-down list.

Tax Amount The amount displayed in this field depends on whether or not the tax code entered in the Tax-2 Code field on this tab is included in the basis calculation for the tax that is entered in theTax Code field on this tab. The basis calculation is specified using the Tax Code to Include in Basis field on the Options tab of the Tax Codes form in Settings > Cash Management > Tax Codes.
  • If the tax code in the Tax-2 Code field is not included in the basis calculation for the tax code in the Tax Code field, then the Tax Amount field displays an amount equal to:

    [(Tax rate for the item's Tax Code) x (Open Amount)]

  • If the tax code entered in the Tax-2 Code field is included in the basis calculation for the tax code in the Tax Code field, then the Tax Amount field displays an amount equal to:

    [(Tax rate for the item's Tax Code) x (Open Amount + Tax-2 Amount)]

Tax-2 Code This field displays only when the Tax Auditing feature is enabled in Settings > Cash Management > Options. The field is enabled if this item's category has the Taxable check box selected on the Item Categories tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form.

This field prefills with the tax code that is entered as the Tax-2 Code for the item's ship-to address for the purchase order or purchase order item. You can change this as needed. The drop-down list in this field displays all of the tax codes with an active status in Tax Codes Settings that have the Available for Purchasing check box selected. When Tax Auditing is enabled, tax codes that have the Transaction Entry check box selected are also included in the drop-down list.

Tax-2 Amount This field displays only when the Tax Auditing feature is enabled in Settings > Cash Management > Options. The field is enabled if this item's category has the Taxable check box selected on the Item Categories tab of the Purchasing & Inventory Company Settings form.

The amount that displays in this field depends on whether or not the tax code entered in the Tax Code field on the this tab is included in the basis calculation for the tax code that is entered in the Tax-2 Code field on this tab. This basis calculation is specified using the Tax code to include in basis calculation field on the Tax Codes tab of the Tax Codes form.

  • If the tax code in the Tax Code field is not included in the basis calculation for the tax code in the Tax-2 Code field, then the Tax-2 Amount field displays an amount equal to:

    [(Tax rate for the item's Tax-2 Code) x (Open Amount)]

  • If the tax code entered in the Tax Code field is included in the basis calculation for the tax code in the Tax-2 Code field, then the Tax-2 Amount field displays an amount equal to:

    [(Tax rate for the item's Tax-2 Code) x (Open Amount + Tax Amount)]

Shipping Enter the amount of any shipping charge for the item. If you entered an amount for this line item before, in the Shipping column of the purchase order's Line Items tab, it displays here.
Extra Amount 1-5 Enter any user-defined extra amount here.
Payment Amount This field displays the sum of the amounts in the Open Amount, Tax Amount, Tax-2 Amount, and Shipping Amount fields for a purchase order item. If a tax is a reverse charge tax, it is not included in the amount in this field.
Document This field applies if Vantagepoint has been configured to allow you to upload supporting documents. Click the icon in this field to open the Supporting Document dialog box and view the documents that are associated with a purchase order line item for the voucher.
  • An icon with a blue arrow displays in this field if there are no documents associated with the line item.
  • An icon with a green check mark displays in this field if there are documents associated with the line item.

When you click the Select check box in the first column in the grid for a purchase order line item, in addition to viewing associated documents on the Supporting Document dialog box, you can also upload new supporting documents for the line item.

Tab Footer

Use the footer to modify the amounts for shipping, tax, and extra costs, and to prorate them among projects.

Field Description
Shipping Enter the total shipping amount that is on the vendor's invoice.
Prorate Click this button to prorate these amounts among the items selected to voucher.
Exchange Override
Freight Charges Enter the total freight charges.
Reimbursements Enter the reimbursement amount, if one applies.
Penalties Enter the penalty amount, if one applies.
Tax Enter the total tax amount that is on the vendor's invoice. This field displays only if the Enable Tax Auditing Feature option is cleared in Settings > Cash Management > Options.
Other Charges Enter the total extra amount that is on the vendor's invoice.