Exporting Planning Data to .CSV Files

If the Resource Planning module is activated, you can use the Planning Data Export utility (Utilities > Imports & Exports > Planning Data Export) to export planning data from the Vantagepoint database to .CSV (comma-separated values) files.

When to Use Exports

Typically, resource managers and project managers use this utility to synchronize planning data between Vantagepoint and their firm's budgeting system (for example, Costpoint Budgeting and Planning) instead of having to input the same information into each of these systems. Once the planning data has been synchronized, managers can access forecast information and manage the financial aspects of their projects.

You can also use Excel or another spreadsheet application that supports .CSV files to filter, summarize, and format the exported data for reports or analysis.

Prerequisite: FILESTREAM

To export data from Vantagepoint, FILESTREAM (a Microsoft SQL Server feature) must be enabled.

Fields for Which You Can Export Data

You can export labor assignments and their planned amounts and hours. You can also export planned amounts for consultants and expenses. In most cases, you select the specific fields that you want to export. However, Vantagepoint automatically includes plan work breakdown structure (WBS) IDs and descriptions in every export file. You do not have to select those.

Note that the exported values are from the assignment levels of the plan WBS: the resource level for labor and the account/vendor level for expenses and consultants. There is no option to export values summarized at higher levels. Also, each export process extracts all planning records for the selected projects; no option exists to extract only new or changed records.

Unpublished Plan Data

If changes have been made to a plan but have not been published, that unpublished version of the plan is what is exported.

Labor Export Timescale and Date Fields

When you export planned labor information, you use the Timescale field to indicate whether you want to see planned hours and amounts by day, week, or month. Your selection determines the periods into which each labor assignment and its hours and amounts are divided. To export the start and end dates for each of those daily, weekly, or monthly periods, select the StartDate and EndDate fields for export. To export start and end dates for the full assignment date range that was entered for each assignment, which may fall within one of the export timescale periods or may span multiple timescale periods, select the AssignmentStart and AssignmentEnd fields for export.

Note that the Timescale field does not apply to plan data for expenses and consultants, and expense and consultant assignments do not have assignment dates. If you select the StartDate and EndDate fields for export when you export planned expenses and consultants, those date fields contain the plan start and end dates for the assignment-level WBS element for which the assignments were entered.

What the Export Process Does

When you export the data that you selected in the Export Planning Data dialog box, the export process takes the planning data from Vantagepoint and outputs it to a .CSV file. On the Exports form, a new row displays for the export in the grid below the Planning Data link.

Reviewing the Export File

To review an export file, click the file name displayed in the grid on the Planning Data Export form. The file displays in the application that you use to view and work with .CSV files.

Required Security Role Access

Users whose security roles provide access to the Export Planning Data utility and provide the necessary access to view a given plan can export that plan. In addition, any field-level security is enforced. Users cannot select fields for export that they are not allowed to view.

Other Available Exports

Exports of data other than planning data are available as reports rather than utilities. On the Reports tab of the Reporting form (My Stuff > Reporting), select Data Export as the filter value for the Type column to display the available export reports.

Alternatives to Exporting Data

If your enterprise is planning to export some types of data from Vantagepoint into another application on an ongoing basis, an alternative to exporting that data from Vantagepoint to .CSV files is to use the application programming interfaces (APIs) provided with Vantagepoint to automate the transfer of data to the target applications.