Contents of the Global Comments Form

Use this form to create global comments that all employees can use to identify and classify entries on their timesheets.

To select a global comment for hours entered on a timesheet, employees click beside the Comment field name in the day/date field drop-down box in the timesheet grid. This applies for hours and not units.


Field Description
Company Name If you have multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You enter global comments for each company.
Global Timesheet Comments Grid Click +Add Comment below the grid to add a blank row to the grid and enter a comment in the row.

Click at the end of the row to format the comment using the text editor.

Click at the end of a row to delete a comment.

Click at the top right of the grid to filter the list of global comments in the grid. In the blank row that is added to the top of the grid, enter text to filter the list. The grid then displays only the global comments that fit the criteria that you entered in the field. Click again to close the filter.