Qualify a Contact

If a contact is interested and meets your firm's business criteria for the sales cycle, you can qualify the contact and make it available for pursuit. A contact must be qualified to associate it with a firm or project.

To qualify a contact:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Contacts > Contacts.
  2. Use the search field above the contact name to search for and select the contact that you want to qualify.
    You can also use the Active Leads search to quickly find the contact.
  3. Either click next to the Qualified Status field in the Summary pane and select Qualify Contact, or click Qualify Contact on the Actions bar.
  4. On the Qualify Contact dialog box, click Qualify Contact.
    The contact is qualified and the Qualified Status field on the Summary pane updates to display Qualified. You can change this status if the contact moves to another phase in the process.
  5. To create a new firm and associate it with the contact, click Create New Firm.

    The Firms form displays so you can enter and save information for the new firm.

  6. To create a new project and associate it with the contact, click Create New Project.

    The New Project form displays so you can begin the project creation process. See the following for more information: Create a Project Manually, Create a Project from a Project, Create a Project from a Template, and related help topics for the Projects hub.

    When you complete the process and save the project, you return to the Qualify Contact dialog box.

  7. To associate the contact with a marketing campaign, select it in Marketing Campaign.
  8. Click Done.
    The contact is qualified. If you created a firm and/or a project, the contact, firm, and project are all associated with each other. If you selected a marketing campaign, the contact, firm, and project are associated with that marketing campaign.

You can also qualify a contact from the Responses tab on the Marketing Campaigns form for a contact that is associated with a marketing campaign. Click or hover over the row for the contact that you want to qualify, click at the end of the row, and click Qualify to display the Qualify Contact dialog box.

Title Description

Lead Qualification

Learn how to search for, create, qualify, and disqualify leads.