Draft Preview Tab of the Interactive Billing Form

Use this tab to review the current draft invoice for a project that has been submitted, approved, or rejected.

This tab displays if all of the following apply:

  • In Settings > Billing > Options, Use Invoice Approvals and Use Markup on Draft Invoices are set to Yes.
  • The project for the invoice that you have open on the Interactive Billing form has invoice approvals enabled (specified in the Summary pane of the project's billing terms).

As a biller, you can review the annotations and comments entered by approvers to learn what edits you need to make, such as (put detail on hold, update percent complete, transfer to another project, and so, on before you accept and send the invoice to the client. You can also mark the approvers comments as done when you implement them for the invoice.

The draft invoices that display on this tab are:

  • Standard billing invoice that you create in Interactive Billing and Batch Billing.
  • Invoices that you download, edit, and then upload back into Vantagepoint as a PDF file in Interactive Billing.
    • If you download an invoice for editing in Interactive Billing but do not upload it back into Vantagepoint as a PDF before you submit it for approval, the standard, Vantagepoint-generated invoice (not the edited invoice) is submitted for approval and displays on the Draft Preview tab.
    • If you unsubmit an edited and uploaded PDF invoice and then submit it again, the most recent uploaded edited invoice displays on the Draft Preview tab.
    • In Interactive Billing, when you click Other Actions > Cancel Editing for an edited invoice (PDF format) that is already submitted, rejected, or approved, the invoice still displays on the Draft Preview tab in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub and Interactive Billing.

Supporting Documents and the Billing Backup Report

Any supporting documents and the Billing Backup report also display with the draft invoice on this tab if these documents are selected for inclusion with a project's invoice per the project's billing terms (on the Billing Backup tab in Billing Terms). In Batch Billing, the Billing Backup setting in the Override Billing Terms section of the Invoice Creation tab also affects whether or not the Billing Backup report will be included in the PDF.

Saving Annotations

Any annotations and comments that you make to a draft invoice are saved when you leave the Interactive Billing application or when you reject or approve the draft invoice.

Multiple Reviewers

If there are multiple reviewers, the markup and annotations made by each is visible to all reviewer who are assigned to approve the invoice.

Identifying Who Made an Annotation

Hover your cursor over an annotation on the draft invoice to display the name of the employee who made the annotation. You can also click on the toolbar of this tab to view a list of all the annotations with employee names and the date and time the annotation was made.

Contents of the Tab

If a submitted, approved, or rejected draft invoice exists for the project, it displays on this tab for viewing and marking up with annotations.

If no submitted, approved, or rejected draft invoice exists for the project, no invoice displays on the tab. Instead, you see the following message: "There are no draft invoices currently within the approval process."

When you submit an invoice and then unsubmit it, the invoice no longer displays on the Draft Preview tab in Interactive Billing or in Draft Invoice Approvals in the Projects hub. Any annotations and comments made to the submitted draft invoice cannot be retrieved again. A new draft invoice reappears on the Draft Preview tabs when you submit the invoice again.


Use the toolbar options to affect the display of the draft invoice on this tab and mark up the invoice with annotations.

Page Tools

Use the page tools on the left side of the draft invoice toolbar to affect the page display of the draft invoice or open the annotation panel.

Field Description

Click this icon to open the annotation panel and view a list of all the annotations made on the draft invoice. It also shows you the name of the employee who made the annotation and the date and time the annotation was made. From this panel, you can also remove annotations, reply to annotations, and more.

Click the icon again to close the annotation panel.

For more information, seeAnnotation Panel on the Draft Invoice Approvals Tab in Draft Invoice Approvals

Click the view controls icon to access the following tools that affect how the draft invoice displays on the tab:

  • Page Transition: Choose how you want to move through the pages of a draft invoice: Page by Page or Continuous.
  • Layout: Choose whether to display the draft invoice one page or two pages (side by side) at a time. You can also move the single page to display on the right side of the screen instead of center.
  • Rotate: Show a view of the draft invoice rotated one turn clockwise or counter clockwise.

Click the icon again to close the annotation panel.

Click the pan icon to
Select Arrow Click this icon
Click this icon to zoom out and make the draft invoice display smaller on the screen.
Click this icon to zoom in and make the draft invoice display larger on the screen.
This displays the current magnification of the draft invoice. Click to select the magnification for the draft invoice.

Annotation Tools

Use the tools on the right side of the draft invoice toolbar to make annotations on the draft invoice. For example, you can use the text tool to highlight or strikethrough text on the draft invoice. You can add comments anywhere on the invoice.

Two ways to use these tools:

  • Click the icon on the toolbar to turn on the tool. Then select text or click any blank spot on the draft invoice to start applying the tool.
  • Select text on the draft invoice and then right-click the text, or right-click any blank spot on the draft invoice. Then click an annotation tool from the menu that displays below the item you right-clicked to start using the tool.

Turn on and off a tool

Click a tool icon in the toolbar to turn it on. Press the ESC key on your keyboard to turn it off after you finish using it.

More options for a tool:

  • Tools with a beside their icon on the toolbar have more options to choose when you click the icon. For example, you can select highlighting, underlining, or strikethrough when you click the text tools icon.
  • After you click an icon that has beside it and you select an option for it, a small, black triangle displays in the lower right corner of the option box that you selected. Click it to choose more options.

Remove annotations that you added:

To remove annotations that you added, do any of the following:

  • Click the annotation on the draft invoice and then click that appears in a box below the item you selected to delete.
  • Use the eraser tool on the toolbar.
  • Click on the toolbar to open the annotation panel. Click the notes icon view. In the list, select the annotation to delete. Click at the end of the row, and select Delete. and find the annotation in the list.

See who added an annotation

To see the name of the employee who made the annotation, hover over the annotation in the draft invoice.

Add a link to a URL or another page or text in the draft invoice

You can link a URL or another page in the invoice to text in the draft invoice by double-clicking the text and then clicking <the Link URL or page> icon from the options that display under the selected text.

Annotation Tools

Field Description

Use the freehand tool to draw or write whatever you want on the draft invoice.

Click the icon, and select one of the colors to use for the tool. To choose other colors not displayed: After you click one of the four color options, click the small, black triangle in the lower right corner of the selected color box. Select a color from the color pallet. In this box, you can also choose the writing tool's line thickness and opacity (transparency or color intensity). Then use your cursor to draw or write whatever you want on the draft invoice.

To turn off the freehand tool, press ESC on your keyboard.

Use the text tools to highlight, underline, or strikethrough text on the draft invoice.

Click the icon to select which text tool to use. Then click the small, black triangle that displays in the lower right corner of the option you selected. Choose the color to use for the tool and the opacity (transparency or color intensity) of the color. On the draft invoice, select the text to apply the highlighting, underlining, or strikethrough to.

To turn off the text tool, press ESC on your keyboard.

Use the shape tools to add a shape to add to the draft invoice, such as a square or circle. Then place your cursor in the appropriate location on the draft invoice, and click and drag to create the shape.

Click the icon to select the shape to use. In the lower right corner of the shape box you select, click the small, black triangle. Then choose the color to use for the tool and the opacity (level of transparency).

To turn off the freehand tool, press ESC on your keyboard.

Use the eraser icon to erase any of the annotations that you added to the draft invoice, such as underlining, shapes, and highlighting.

Click the icon to turn on the eraser. Place your cursor on the annotation that you want to remove, and click and hold as you sweep over the annotation to remove it.

To turn off the eraser, press ESC on your keyboard.

Use the free text icon to type text on the draft invoice.

After you click the icon, click the small, black triangle that displays below the to the right. In the box, select the text color, size, thickness, and opacity (transparency level) to use. You can also choose to add a rectangular border around the text and choose the border and fill color.

To turn off the free text tool, press ESC on your keyboard.

Use the comment icon to add comments in a colored bubble anywhere on the draft invoice.

After you click the icon, click the small, black triangle that displays below the to the right. In the box, select the fill color for the bubble and the opacity (transparency level) for the color. Then place your cursor on the draft invoice where you want to add a comment, and click. The annotation panel automatically opens on the left side of the tab. Type your comment in the comment field for the annotation, and click Save below the comment. The bubble displays on the draft invoice and shows you the name of the employee who entered the annotation and the date and time of entry.

To turn off the comment tool, press ESC on your keyboard.

Click the search icon to enter text to search for in the draft invoice.

To close the search tool, click the search icon again.

Click the menu icon to display the draft invoice in a full screen or download or print the draft invoice.

To close the menu, click the menu icon again.

Draft Invoice

The draft invoice for the selected project displays on this tab, along with any supporting documents and Billing Backup report if they were selected to be included with the invoice per the project's billing terms. If the invoice was generated in Batch Billing, override settings in Batch Billing affect whether or not the Billing Backup report is included with the invoice.

Use the items in the draft invoice toolbar to mark up the invoice with comment as needed.