Schedule a Job

From some applications, you can click a Schedule button to set when you want to run a process server job (for example, downloading currency rates or running a report) .

To schedule a job:

  1. From the application, click the Schedule, Schedule Download, or Schedule to Post button.
    The Schedule dialog box displays.
  2. On the Distribution tab, you can select a process queue, enter a description for the job, choose to add the job to a profile, or set alerts and notification when the job is completed successfully.
  3. If you are scheduling a report to run, specify the following on the Distribution tab:
    • Select if you want to run the report in the current period or in the prior period.
    • Choose to create an archived copy of the report and enter the number of hours that you want the archived report saved. You can also choose to export the report and specify a file format.
  4. On the Recurrence tab, indicate if the job is a recurring activity and set how often you want it to recur.

Depending on your level of access, you can find the scheduled jobs in Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager, where you can view process details and statuses, modify related settings, or cancel processes.

For more information, see: Process Queue Manager Utility.