Copy a User

To create a new user record, you can copy and modify an existing user record. The new user record must have a unique user ID. The newly created user record inherits the first user's access rights and privileges, including record level security.

To create a user from an existing user record:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Settings > Security > Users.
  2. On the Users form, search for and select the user record that you want to copy.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Other Actions > Copy.
  4. In the User ID field, enter a new, unique user ID.
    If the user ID is not an email address (does not include the @ character), the total length cannot exceed 120 characters. If the user ID is an email address (includes the @ character), the total length cannot exceed 113 characters, with up to 64 allowed before the @ character and up to 48 allowed after the @ character. The following characters are not allowed:
    • A @ character that does not separate the email username from the domain.
    • A period (.) character immediately preceding the @ character.
  5. Modify the remaining user information, including the default print settings.
  6. Click Save.