Contents of the Options Form

Use the fields on this form in Expense Settings to enter expense report setup information, such as entry requirements, reimbursement rate for distance driven, general ledger accounts for posting, and more.


Field Description
Company Name If you have multiple companies, the name of the active company displays at the top of the form. You enter expense setting options for each company.
Employee Signature Required Select whether or not employees must enter their Vantagepoint user name and password as their signature when they submit expense reports.
Signer's Text This field displays if you selected Yes for Employee Signature Required.

Enter the text that you want to display in a message that employees will receive after they enter their Vantagepoint user name and password (signature) before they submit their expense reports.

Click above the field to open the text editor and format the text.

Apply Advances Select whether or not to allow employees to enter advance amounts on their expense reports. An advance is money that your company pays an employee in anticipation that the employee will use the money to pay for a business expense, such as an airline ticket. When an employee adds expense items and an advance amount to an expense report, the advance amount is subtracted from the total expense amount for the expense report to determine the correct reimbursement due the employee.
Distance Measure In the first field, enter the monetary amount that you will reimburse employees for each mile or kilometer traveled. In the second field, select the unit of measure for travel: Mile or Kilometer.

Advanced Options Section

Field Description
Treat Inactive Projects as Dormant Select whether or not you want to prevent employees from entering inactive projects on their expense reports. Normally, Vantagepoint allows you to use inactive projects for transactions. When you do this, you receive a warning to let you know that you are entering a dormant project, but you are allowed to continue with the entry. Vantagepoint does not allow you to use dormant projects for transactions.

When you select Yes, employees are prevented from entering inactive projects on expense reports. This setting does not affect the use of inactive projects for any other types of transactions in Vantagepoint, such as Billing or Accounts Receivable transactions.

When you select No, employees are allowed to enter inactive projects on expense reports. Employees receive a warning to let them know that they are entering a project with an inactive status, but they are allowed to continue with the entry.

Allow to Edit Distance Rate Select whether or not you want to allow employees to edit the reimbursement rate for distance traveled on their expense reports.
Allow Company Paid Expenses Select whether or not to allow employees to enter company-paid items on their expense reports. A company-paid item is any expense for which your company sends payment directly to a vendor instead of reimbursing the employee who incurred the expense. The expense is paid through AP Payment Processing, not through Employee Expense Payment Processing.

For example, an airline may bill your company directly for a ticket purchased by one of your employees. Your company pays the airline directly for the cost of the ticket and does not reimburse the employee for this expense. However, the employee would include the cost of the airline ticket on an expense report to provide an audit trail for the expense.

If you enable company-paid credit cards, you must select Yes for Allow Company Paid Expenses. (You enable the use of company-paid credit cards in Settings > Cash Management > Options.)

Company Paid Credit Posting: Account, Project, Phase, and Task These fields display if you select Yes for Allow Company Paid Expenses.

Enter the general ledger account to credit for company-paid expenses when expense reports are posted. You also enter the project, phase, and task (if you use them) for company-paid expense postings.

Employee Expense Credit Posting: Account, Project, Phase, and Task Enter the general ledger account to credit for employee expenses when expense reports are posted. You must select a balance sheet account. This account applies for expense reports entered in Expense Reports in My Stuff and transaction entries for employee expenses in the Transaction Center.

You also enter a project, phase, and task (if you use them) for the employee expense credit postings. If you have implemented organizations in Vantagepoint, you enter a project only if you maintain separate balance sheets and you do not distribute the employee expense credit by organization.

Click in these fields to use the lookup to make a selection.

These same employee expense credit posting fields are also on the Posting Accounts settings form in Settings > Accounting > Posting Accounts. When you enter a credit account, project, phase, or task in one location, information is updated in the other location.

Employee Advance Credit Posting: Account, Project, Phase, and Task Enter the general ledger account to credit for employee advances when expense reports are posted. You must select a balance sheet account. This account applies to expense reports entered in Expense Reports in My Stuff and transaction entries for employee expenses in the Transaction Center.

You also enter a project, phase, and task (if you use them) for the employee advance credit postings. If you have implemented organizations in Vantagepoint, you enter a project only if you maintain separate balance sheets and you do not distribute the employee expense credit by organization.

Click in these fields to use the lookup to make a selection.

These same employee advance credit posting fields are also on the Posting Accounts settings form in Settings > Accounting > Posting Accounts. When you enter a credit account, project, phase, or task in one location, information is updated in the other location.

Display on Expense Report Section

Field Description
Account If you want to display the Account and/or Account Name fields on the Expense Report form in Expense Reports, select one of the following from the drop-down list: Number, Name, or Both. This allows employees to enter the general ledger debit account for an expense item, or the debit account may prefill based on the default debit accounts that you specify on the Expense Categories form in Expense Settings.

If you do not want to display the Account and/or Account Name fields on the Expense Report form in Expense Reports, select None.

Line Numbers Select whether or not to have line numbers display for each expense report line item on the Expense Report form in Expense Reports.