Edit a Firm

If your security access rights permit, you can change firm information.

To edit a firm:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Firms > Firms.
  2. Use the search field above the firm name to search for and select the firm that you want to edit.
    For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.
  3. Complete either of the following to edit a field on the Firms form:
    • Hover over a field, and click beside the field to open the field in edit mode.
    • On the Actions bar, click Edit to opens all fields on the Firms form in edit mode.
  4. Use the remaining tabs to add or edit firm information.
    Tab Purpose
    Overview Review and edit key data, such as the firm description and other addresses.
    Vendors Review accounts payable information related to the firm.
    Activities Review activities that have occurred or that are scheduled for the firm. You can also add new activities.
    Associations Create and maintain lists of the projects in which you have worked with this firm.
    Contacts View and update list of contacts that are associated with a firm.
    Our Team Create and maintain a list of employees that are associated with a firm and describe the employee relationship to that firm.

    Your system administrator may add custom tabs to supplement the standard tabs.

  5. Click Save.