Activate Modules, Accounting Periods, and Fiscal Years

Use the Activate Modules page to verify the Vantagepoint applications that you plan to use and to set up your starting accounting period and fiscal year.

Before you complete these steps, Deltek recommends that you review fiscal period information with a Deltek consultant or Deltek Support to avoid errors that are difficult to reverse.

To activate modules:

  1. Click Activate Modules.
  2. On the Modules tab of the Activate Modules form, review the list of modules to confirm that it includes all the modules that your enterprise is licensed to use. If any applications are missing, contact Deltek Operations for help.
  3. If you are licensed to use the PSA module and you are integrating Vantagepoint with QuickBooks, select Yes for the Will your PSA instance integrate with QuickBooks Online setting below the modules list.
  4. If you are licensed to use the Accounting module or PSA module, click the Fiscal Period tab.
  5. On the Fiscal Period tab:
    • If you are licensed to use the Accounting module, enter your starting accounting period and fiscal year.

      This is the first accounting period and fiscal year in which you will enter history or process data in Vantagepoint.

      Assume, for example, that you are setting up Vantagepoint in April 2018, and your fiscal year runs from January to December. You may choose to enter historical data for January through March of 2018, so that you can track data and produce reports for the entire fiscal year. In this case, you would enter January 2018 as your first accounting period and 2018 as your first fiscal year. Alternatively, you may decide to enter history for the entire prior year, in which case you would enter January as your first accounting period and 2017 as your first fiscal year.

      After you begin using Vantagepoint, you will maintain a calendar of accounting periods, opening and closing periods as the year progresses. To learn more about this process, see the Accounting Periods and Processing Cycles help topic.

    • If you are licensed to use the PSA module and you are integrating Vantagepoint with QuickBooks, enter the fiscal year and accounting period in which you will start tracking new project labor and expenses.

      You must enter the first and last days of a calendar month for the fiscal year start and end dates and the accounting period start and end dates.

  6. Click Save and then click Done Activating Modules.