Correcting an Existing Voucher

To correct an existing voucher, you can copy one or more lines and modify these copies to create adjustment entries. Alternatively, you can reverse one or more line items.

To copy a line item:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > AP Vouchers.
  2. Select a record and click or > View Details to see the transaction details. Or click the file name hyperlink of the selected transaction file or the amount hyperlink of the selected transaction.
  3. On the toolbar, click Other Actions > Copy/Reverse Lines.
  4. Select an item to copy or to reverse, and select Copy Selected (or Copy All) or Reverse Selected (or Reverse All).
    The voucher lines that you selected are added to the Project Information grid on the AP Vouchers form; they do not replace the existing ones.
    • If you selected a line to copy, you can modify the copied line in the Project Information grid to create an adjustment entry.
    • If you selected a line to reverse, the line displays a negative amount in the Project Information grid.
  5. Click Save.