Contents of the Export Labor Assignments/Expense and Consultants Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on these dialog boxes to select the specific planning data fields that you want to export and to start export processing.

Note that each exported row automatically includes the work breakdown structure (WBS) IDs and names for each plan row. You do not select those fields as you do the other exported fields. If for some reason you do not want some of those columns, you can delete them from the .CSV file.


Field Description
Include headers Select this check box to add column headings for all the data columns in the .CSV file.
Deltek Field This grid column displays the planning data field names in the Vantagepoint database that you can export. Select the check box next to the fields that you want to include in the export file. Select the check box next to this grid column heading to select quickly all of the available fields.
Sample Value This column displays sample data for each of the planning data fields to help you identify the fields that you want to select for export.
Projects to be exported This field, located below the grid, displays the number of projects that you selected for the export.
Export Click this button to run the export utility to export the labor assignment data or expenses and consultants data.

If you are exporting both types of data, the Export Expense and Consultants dialog box displays after you click this button on the Export Labor Assignments dialog box. Separate .CSV files are created for labor assignments and for expenses and consultants.