Disqualify a Contact

If you decide that a qualified contact is no longer a good candidate for a project, you can disqualify the contact. This keeps the contact in the database for future use.

To disqualify a contact:

  1. In the Navigation pane, Hubs > Contacts > Contacts.
  2. Use the search field above the contact name to search for and select the contact that you want to disqualify.
  3. Locate the Qualified Status field on the Summary pane and click Disqualify Contact. Or, on the Actions bar click Other Actions > Disqualify Contact.
  4. On the Disqualify Contact dialog box, use Status Reason to specify the reason for disqualifying the contact and click Disqualify.
    The contact's status is automatically changed to inactive and the status reason is listed in the Contact Summary.
  5. Save your changes.